*ouched*, or, yay I love my job, /sarcasm

Nov 04, 2009 12:42

So, yesterday I got bitten by a dog for the second time in my almost 4 years at the animal hospital. The first time it was a froofy little maltese that I was walking outside and just for no reason jumped up off the ground and latched onto my finger like a piranah.

I had one other worker's comp case in between dog bites, last year - a concussion from a dog jumping up and throwing me into a sharp corner where I hit my head.

Yesterday, we were pulling the tube from a chihuahua that was waking up from anesthesia, and he spasmed and nailed me through the fingertip. It split my nail all the way across the base and punctured my finger from underneath almost all the way through AND fractured my fingertip. The kicker is, he's a really nice dog. If he was awake he'd have never bit me in a million years. *sigh*

Freak accidents right before trips to Chicago FTW! \o/

Thank God for fingernails, though, because the end of my finger would have been GONE otherwise. This is actually the second worst bite I've ever had - a prehensile tailed skink almost took my thumb off back when I used to work at the aquarium. That one somehow managed to hurt way worse than this is hurting. Probably because I didn't have darvocet then. *snicker*

The pharmacy STILL hasn't filled my pain meds. Screw you, pharmacy, I have DARVOCET. :P  Today the thing that hurts the worst is actually where they gave me a tetanus shot. *rubs sore arm*

I've never broken anything before, I feel all grown-up, lol.

Anyway, I'm fine, but I've been relegated to the phones at work. It's BORING as crap, but it's actually not bad otherwise. At least I get to SIT without anyone harrassing me.

In other news, I got Pan back from the spay/neuter clinic last night, and he was as stoned as me, lol. Poor baby. He seems fine now though, I turned him loose this morning and he's up and running and playing with Kitana again.

is this real life?, ohnoes

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