Kiss/Kill/Marry meme.

Oct 14, 2009 22:35

Comment to this post say that you want to play and receive 4 options (actors/singers/so on, so forth). You must then decide which of the 4 options you would: Shag, Snog, Marry and Throw off a cliff.

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jared, vidrec, meme

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Comments 12

lotr_lemmy October 15 2009, 03:07:13 UTC
HAHA! I wanna play!


tahirire October 15 2009, 03:09:03 UTC
Sheldon Cooper, Nick Carter, Sam Winchester, and Thomas Dekker.

*evil chuckle*


bt_kady October 15 2009, 03:31:53 UTC
My answer, according to the questions given Jared, would agree with his. Kill John, kiss Dean and marry Sam. TOTALLY!!! Think about it...if I marry Sam I'd get to kiss him too, s'all's good! \o/


tahirire October 15 2009, 12:19:03 UTC
Jared said you have to kiss Sam 'cos then you're done with him, lol - but I agree with you. I'd totally marry Sam. ♥


bt_kady October 15 2009, 15:03:48 UTC
Yeah, I realized that after I made my post; he said marry John. Sorry, Jared...I'd marry Sam, baby!


force_oblique October 17 2009, 20:22:39 UTC
Am I too late to play?


tahirire October 17 2009, 21:57:51 UTC
Of course not! Hmm, let's see ...

Bobby Singer, Logan Echolls from Veronica Mars, Chuck Bass, and Dean Winchester.


force_oblique October 18 2009, 07:51:49 UTC
Cool thanks!!

Shag:Chuck Bass - like there's no tomorrow... bunnies bunnies I'm telling you.. lol
Snog: Logan Echolls becuase he is so pretty and broken
Marry: DEan Winchester to keep him forever and ever <3
Throw Off A Cliff: Bobby Singer - i love him but my other choices are hot so..yeah lol


tahirire October 18 2009, 08:58:59 UTC

Awwwww, I MISS Logan. *sniff*


aja_evenstar November 5 2009, 10:31:08 UTC
Your answers are golden O_O
A) I wouldn'thave the guts to NOT put Sam in the marriage section cause i'd take eternity with him over a shag *thumbs up*
B) Dean's kisses ohmygod. So agreed.
C) despite A, GOOD GOING.
D) LOLOL. Your mind is so awesome.

ZOMG this is one of my most-watched youtube videos. Jared is SO MUCH LOVE!
God. He really kills me =( My heart is pumping faster.

"yes i can!"
*is texan*

Face + sound at 1:24 makes my life.

"you have to kiss him, 'cause then you're done with him"

The fist pump at the end makes me 'aww' =)


tahirire November 5 2009, 11:45:50 UTC
Lol I know. I was so lucky to be there that day. He's a doll baby. *smishes him*


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