My thoughts on That Article that Everyone Seems to Think Makes Perfect Sense and why I DON'T GET IT.

Sep 09, 2009 19:53

This is an 'article' in the form of a letter posed to Eric Kripke regarding issues of race in Supernatural. You can read the article without my commentary HERE if you don't want to read how much I disagree. No spoilers for s5. My comments underlined.

Dear Mr Kripke, I love your horrible, damaging Show. )

meta, fabulous drunk!sam seal of disapproval, thinky-thoughts, blacklid sucks me into things, ohnoes

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Comments 34

lsketch42 September 10 2009, 02:54:42 UTC
Where was this letter from? *is out of the loop*

Well, it was an interesting read, though I was right there with ya on your comments.

"Suffice it to say that now when a black character appears on Supernatural I wince and reach for my pillow, because I’m pretty sure he’ll be checking out in some less-than-pleasant way in a few episodes."

Actually, I'm pretty sure that's true of EVERY character on Supernatural (except Bobby... no one touches Bobby *clutches him.*) Hell, even the boys have died MULTIPLE times. The writers just like killing people off *shrugs*

Plus, I think they have to pay actors more when they're labeled as "recurring."

In other news...BOYS TOMORROW!!!


tahirire September 10 2009, 03:33:14 UTC
Eh, there is a link up top somewhere.

I just think it is interesting how many contradictions there are in the argument. *bzuhh*



percysowner September 10 2009, 03:02:12 UTC
First, I agree that Supernatural does have some real racial and sexist issues, although to be fair the sexism seems to be a part of the fandom as much as the writers. They keep trying to bring in recurring female characters and the fans keep shutting them down. But, I also know that Kripke has said he had plans for both Gordon and Henrickson to have a story arc, but both actors got regular gigs on different shows, and they couldn't work them into the schedule. I'm not a minority, so the racial issues don't ping me. I'm not going to say she is wrong, because I don't have the same background that she does. I've reached the point where I know that there are issues and I don't care about them. Now talk to me about the handling of Sam's story in season 4 and I will give you an earful. (or not, it doesn't belong here).


tahirire September 10 2009, 03:32:26 UTC
Agreed, agreed, and more agreed. I was just a little in awe of how many times this person contradicts herself. Why pose an arguement if you keep invalidating your own points? *bzuhh*


dharkapparition September 10 2009, 06:02:51 UTC
Crazy woman is crazy and stupid and confused


chiiyo86 September 10 2009, 06:37:25 UTC
Haha, you're cracking me up!

More seriously, I know where you come from. I mean, I'm the kind of person who wants to understand everyone, and I don't want to stay blind to issues that are apparently so obvious to a lot of fans. So I listen to their arguments, and I try to see their points, and then I feel guilty because I didn't see that AT ALL, and...

Yeah, sometimes, I just want to enjoy my show.


force_oblique September 10 2009, 08:44:41 UTC
Holy fuck.. I cant believe this!
She is really twisting it out of proportion and I am so with you hun.. I mean wtf?

Kripke is awesome and I think that so far he has done an incredible job!
*hugs him*


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