Eyecon 3 post

Mar 22, 2009 18:29

Thursday, I picked erinrua up from the airport and the squee commenced!!! We were able to both talk at the speed of light in interwebz and still understand each other, it was AMAZING.

We watched 4.16 at Vikki’s on the HD big screen in the dark, and it.Was.AMAZING. I won’t go into the ep in case someone hasn’t seen it yet - but suffice it to say that we spent the whole time curled up underneath a blanket clutching each other even though it was 80 degrees in there. *lol*

I was up until about 3 am with blacklid on the phone going “Did you SEE … And how they! And I don’t!!!” etc etc.

Friday morning Corey made us pancakes because he is awesome. We headed out in plenty of time to pick up roguebitch from the airport, but our BSP hiccoughed and we missed the exit, we ended up on some road called harry-on-a-stick or something, I am not even kidding. We ended up being an hour late to the airport, which isn’t really SO bad in the grand scheme of things, but holy crap did we see some rural backwoods Florida that even I had never seen before. O-o

We arrived at the hotel and discovered rather quickly that this is the smallest con EVER. Srsly. I think there are less than 100 people here. Its weird, but kind of nice too.

I had a great time meeting all the other fan panelists (which, there is no way I’m going to remember all of your lj names, I’m so sorry), I know jensenrick, clexmonkey, callmedean, deangirl1 and ysbail were there in addition to a lot of others.

Chad and Gabe were hanging out and I talked to them for a little while - Chad made fun of me for being totally spaced when he talked to me on the phone from Jersey (Dude. I thought lotr_lemmy asked me “Hey, do you want to talk to my DAD”, not “hey, do you want to talk to Chad”) and I told him he wasn’t supposed to remember that. *facepalm*

Gabe remembered lotr_lemmy and her dad (Jim) from the costume contest and said to tell them hi and that Jim was really cool, so … HEY GUYS, GABE SAYS HI. There, I told you.

I didn’t go to the cocktail party, but my roomies said Julie was super sweet and all nervous about her first con, but at less than 100 people she couldn’t have picked a better one to start. More on her later.

Friday night was the Fall Of Envy concert. They are a local Orlando band, and I LOVED them. ROCK AND ROLL, BABY. Go. Buy their stuff. GOGOGO.

Fall of Envy

Saturday dawned bright and early after getting no sleep. erinrua and I were whispering and giggling to each other late into the night, both having serious ringing in our ears from the concert, at which we were first row, and yeah. No sleep. Why yes, we are 5, why do you ask? *headdesk*

So, the first thing Saturday was Jim’s panel. Before the panel we called all the fan panelists together and made the surprise announcement to erinrua that we had won her breakfast with Jim on ebay. She totally cried, don’t let her lie to you. <3

I ran into janglyjewels and we squeed about the new ep for … a long long time. <3SAM<3

The first thing they told us before Jim’s panel was that because of filming right down to the last second, Misha had to cancel his appearance. *woe*

Of course this was a HUGE downer. I know that I for one have never gotten so many refunds and exchanges ever in my whole life. *sigh* I would have been here even if it was just the girls, who is mainly who I came to see, so I’m ok, but still. I hate it for the people that flew in. HATE. And Jim told us that right up until he was leaving, they hadn’t told Misha yet, and when they finally told him he couldn’t go he was really not happy. *pets him and Jared both*

BUT. Life goes on, yeah?

Because the con was so small, we all got moved up a TON. So instead of like row 13, I was on row 3! Which. MY CAMERA HATES YOU, FLORIDA MALL HOTEL. But here, I have vids. (Some of them I'll upload and link later)

Jim was awesome as always, he is really REALLY unnerving me with the vagary re:Bobby living or dying in the upcoming eps. *swallows hard* But he didn’t give anything away. His book drops next month as well, y’all need to check that out.

Then Julie! She is so cute and sweet. She actually reminds me a lot of Alona in her quietness and mannerisms. It was a pleasure to listen to her and she does a killer Cas impersonation. It sounds like she’s loving it up there and we all cheered her for killing Uriel, because it was AWESOME.

Julie talks about Harley
Julie does her Cas impersonation

After Julie’s panel we had our fanfic panel. It was SO fun. It turned into less of a discussion and more of a group-led workshop/commiseration fest. *g* I met rebekahfair , who is also working on a big bang, and the two of us shared woes at length.

(Big bang side note - EVERY premise of my story just got 100% confirmed by canon. ARG. Just because Show already did it doesn’t mean I can’t still write it! COME BACK, MUSE!!! *chases after muse*)

Then we had our Sam and Dean panel, wherin we talked about their role reversal in general and Sam’s powers in particular, and it was really really fun. ( blacklid - I couldn’t do it, ok? I did a little - but I CAN’T PULL THAT TRIGGER, HA. Um. Maybe at today’s panel?)

Let’s see … after that, what happened? Hm.

OH. GAAAAAABE! \o/\o/\o/

Being in a panel with Gabe is like sitting around the dinner table BSing with your cousins or something. That boy can RAMBLE. My favorite new Gabe quote? “My wife gives me puberty.” *dies*

Gabe telling how Kripke told him he would die
Gabe and Chad being the angel and devil on Dean's shoulder
Gabe choosing what cartoon he'd be, with bonus Christian Bale-off via Chad and Diz
Gabe talking about mind control vs teleportation, with help from a fangirl

After Gabe we got ready for the banquet. I sat at Chad’s table. Over the course of the meal, someone asked me what we were doing (today) Sunday, and I told them about the fanvid showing, which led to a fanvid discussion. As it turns out, Chad recently saw a brilliant piece of work by one of my flisties, and LOVED it. (I didn’t send it to him, I SWEAR! But I know who did) So,  lsketch42 , step up, baby, I have a message for you!

From Chad Lindberg

After dinner I relaxed with rougebitch a while and we worked on our new t-shirt idea. *giggles* Then we had Jason’s concert!

Jason was great. Gabe and Julie sat behind us and talked the whole time, then Chad joined them and they talked even more, and in the middle of the concert some girl came over and yelled at US for talking. It wasn’t us!! Blame the celebs!! *bitchface* Anyway, they were cracking me up for real, it was great.

Oh, and Jason was great. He sang Hallelujah and didn’t even mess up the words! Then we all played rock band for a while, then we came up here and watched vids and fangirled each other and collapsed exhausted at about 2 am.

This morning Jim did another panel and there were a lot of photo ops. Jim’s panel was awesome the second time because there were a lot more Show questions. I asked him if it was nice to get payback and getting to stab Jensen in S&V, and he got carried off on a tangent and told a story about how he stabbed his baby sister with an ice pick when he was 4. O_o.


I got Julie’s autograph on my poster, so I’m one more signature down. :-)

During the photo ops Chad was helping some people do a funny photo and he fell into a bunch of Froggy’s equipment and broke a bunch of stuff! O-o

Chad’s panel was great. He even came up with a new way for Ash to come back, and it didn’t have anything to do with crossbows!! \o/ He was asked a lot of the usual questions, including did the Js ever prank him on set, and he said no. He said if he was played by a cartoon character he’d be Shaggy. *lol*

Chad talks about breaking Froggy's stuff

At the end of the panel, we were interrupted by Froggy (the photographer), who kind of stormed in and asked Chad if “Are you gonna pay me to replace the S*** you broke?” And Chad was all, “Um .. dude, I’m in a Q&A!” It got really tense, and Froggy fired a parting shot at Chad about how his acting sucked and flipped him off, and that was IT.

Chad LAUNCHED off the stage and TACKLED Froggy. Kenny and Dizzy got in the middle of it, and they were all on the floor before I could blink. I was on the second row, erinrua and I were looking at each other like “Should we throw chairs!?”

The fight rolled out the door, and Dizzy came back in and was all, “Um. Well. That was awkward.” Kenny came back in and they were talking and this goes on for about 5 minutes, they tried to explain to us what had happened with the equipment and that Froggy was upset. Here is the vid of the fight.


Then, the door opens and in comes Chad and Froggy LAUGHING THEIR ASSES OFF. Chad goes, “Did they buy it!?” We were all screaming and we said yes, and Chad was jumping up and down and yelling “I PUNKED YOU! HA! HA!!!”

And OMG. It was the best thing I’ve EVER seen. EVER. Afterwards Kenny, Chad, Froggy and Dizzy hung around for about and hour sharing stories about how they planned every little thing, how epic it was, how much they owned us, and how they just wanted to give us a little something to make us laugh after all the disappointment of the weekend. I didn’t get Chad’s immediate confession, but here’s a vid of Dizzy helping explain it.


Con sponsored full-on brawl pranks = NOT something you would EVER see at a Creation con. *glee*

So epic. Chad Lindberg, you win at life. *bows*

Then we had the fanvid panel and it was great. lotr_lemmy, your vid was GREAT! Everyone was laughing really hard. ;)

And that’s it! Now we're chilling, posting our stuff, and hanging out for tomorrow. Peace! \o/

ETA: We had dinner with Diz, Kenny and Froggy and squeed about the Epic prank. We told them we posted the fight with no explanations - just to pay it forward a bit - and they were SO GIDDY, lol. It was a blast hearing all the details and all the planning that went into it, and how much fun they had.

Ah well, another con over ... SLEEP NAO.

squee, cons: eyecon, con news

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