[Shanks will be in Spero. And he has been wondering where Anya went off to, but...
Somehow seeing a pink dragon makes him think he has his answer. He may be chipped, but he doesn't seem to afraid to just stand there when it's in view. ...Actually I'm not sure what he's going to do... Did you have any plans for anyone finding her pill or anything?]
[She washed her pill down the kitchen sink 8( DID NOT TRUST IT SOB...
The fact that this guy is just standing there rather than fleeing confuses her. Puny human, right? They are supposed to run away and the dragon chases them. That is how it WORKS.
So she lands and glares at him, almost as if in reproach for his inappropriate behavior.]
[Even with one arm, he can have his sabre out in an instant to block or hold back that swipe. Frowning though. Right, no haki. If this is Anya (or anyone really), he doesn't want to shed blood if he doesn't have to.
So maybe he'll end up running. But for now he's at least trying to see if speech does anything. Though he's thinking not.]
I wouldn't mess around like that if I were you. So you can't understand me at all?
[Oooh, human has a claw! Excellent. Interesting. But it's one that stings, and she yanks the foot back quickly. It wasn't enough to cut all the way through the scales, but there's definitely a mark.
She growls, darting her neck out to snap at him with her fangs. No point in roaring; this one won't be easily intimidated.]
[He holds it defensively, just jumping back a bit to avoid that snap.
Whoa now. He'd prefer it if both of them could avoid as much damage as possible. But really no response to speech, huh... He'd have to tell Squall about his suspicions later, too, but he has her here now and what if she's not so easy to track down later?]
Somehow seeing a pink dragon makes him think he has his answer. He may be chipped, but he doesn't seem to afraid to just stand there when it's in view. ...Actually I'm not sure what he's going to do... Did you have any plans for anyone finding her pill or anything?]
The fact that this guy is just standing there rather than fleeing confuses her. Puny human, right? They are supposed to run away and the dragon chases them. That is how it WORKS.
So she lands and glares at him, almost as if in reproach for his inappropriate behavior.]
And he stares at it, even smiling a bit as he rests his arm at his waist. Hmm.]
Oh, you're stopping to say hi? [Yeah totally, and talking to a dragon is legit okay...]
So maybe he'll end up running. But for now he's at least trying to see if speech does anything. Though he's thinking not.]
I wouldn't mess around like that if I were you. So you can't understand me at all?
She growls, darting her neck out to snap at him with her fangs. No point in roaring; this one won't be easily intimidated.]
Whoa now. He'd prefer it if both of them could avoid as much damage as possible. But really no response to speech, huh... He'd have to tell Squall about his suspicions later, too, but he has her here now and what if she's not so easy to track down later?]
She tries a big ol' roar now. Maybe then he will follow the Dragon vs Human script properly.]
[BECAUSE CONTINUING TO TALK TO A DRAGON. IS A THING TO DO. But you know he realizes fighting her not's going to do anything, so he will "flee"...
If sheathing his weapon, raising his arm and backing up before walking away is satisfactory fleeing... He's kind of cocky like that.]
It could mean that he has allies lying in wait that he's going to fetch. She takes off, flying ahead of him to hopefully get the jump on any ambush.]
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