Title: Silence is Golden
Author: tafidadarling
Fandom: Firefly which belongs 20th Century Fox.
Pairing(s): Mal/Simon
Rating: FRAO.
Summary: There's only one thing that can get Mal and Simon to stop fighting.
Notes: My first Firefly fic. Be kind please. :)
Posted to firefly_fiction
Sure Mal and Simon fought alot. That didn't mean they didn't get along. Granted at first they could barely stand each other, but they had finally come to an... understanding of sorts. They just couldn't help if they disagreed on, well, darn pretty much everything.
It seemed the only time they were quiet was when they were in Mal's room. The bed was small and Simon often found himself snuggled close even if they were trying to sleep.
Sleep? Mal didn't know the meaning of the word. Just when Simon felt his eyes drifting shut, Mal would be palming him through his thin pajama bottoms.
"I'm trying to sleep," Simon would say, knowing that Mal would answer with some cheesy line.
"Why? You don't need ne beauty rest. You're as handsome as the come Doc."
He never disappointed.
Simon then would be pulling Mal down toward him as their lips crashed. The bed creaking when Mal breaks the kiss to slowly pull Simon's pants off.
Yes, this was actually when they ceased talking. Simon would bite down on his lip so as to not wake the others. Mal's enthusiasm pushing him closer to the edge. Simon grabbing his hair that would be more than likely sticking up in every direction. No words of encouragement. Mal knew just how fast, how much teasing he needed. Simon's balling the sheets in his fits by now as he comes with a small sigh. He thinks his lip is bleeding.
Mal would kiss him anyway, the taste of iron overpowering. He never said a word about it, thought.
They would lay like that for awhile, their tongues lazily dancing around each other. Eventually Mal would drift to sleep pinning Simon to the bed in some uncomfortable position.
Great. Mal wouldn't hear the end of this in the morning.