Title: pause for breath
'Verse/characters: Wild Roses; Isael
Prompt: 098 "writer's choice" - Trust
Word Count: 310
Rating: all ages
Notes: follows previous directly. (I thought this arc was going to hit seven prompts. This is 14 and counting. Gaaah.)
The apartment was now familiar enough-- )
Comments 6
Good to know i'worked. :)
*dead* ahem. no. any occasional fleeting similarities to idiocy are a product of your imagination or are being perpetrated for a perfectly sensible, logical reason you just don't understand.
...still liking isael. a lot.
Thanks. :) it's an interesting experience, being allowed in enough to watch the thought processes. Because as rose said up a few comments, he's not flowing along the same routes we-the-reader might expect.
*nodnod* that's what holds the fascination, tho. he sorta walks up the top of this cliff, over here, and then paraglides over to there, and then maybe takes a train back to here, and walks the rest of the way, and he still beat us there even tho we just got in our cars and drove straight over.
Tha's a neat metaphor. :)
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