Title: this place 'Verse/characters: Wild Roses; Isael, Ruadhan Prompt: 007 "Days" Word Count: 465 Rating: all ages Notes: follows previous. Four more to follow this one.
So fascinating! It's unlike any other prose I can think of right now, but in a good way, a way that sweeps you up and carries you along, even when you're not sure what's going on, and then rewards you for sticking with it by plopping you back down in ways that make all the puzzle pieces suddenly fall into place and make sense. Like drifting in a sort of whirlwind and then bam! bouts of clarity. It's very engaging to the reader brain.
it was the cathedral/chapel attached to the castle Isael grew up in. Ruadhan, every time he wound up having to go in there, would get twitchy as hell because of the slightly different way the locals used candles for remembrance. Isael it's half 'this is a familiar place' half 'ow'.
Memories/desires for 'safe' or comfortable places.
Comments 10
Thak you. :)
It's neat, and has a definite feeling of compromises, but no real feeling of what or who the driving force behind their moving was.
Memories/desires for 'safe' or comfortable places.
I'll work on that in the editing.
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