Title: deceit
’Verse/characters: Wild Roses; Sean, Aodh
Prompt: 033 "Too Much"
Word Count: 357
Rating: PG
Notes: after the first war, before the second.
The cigarette was snatched with nearly perfect timing, the coal just ignited but not yet steady. Sean didn't even pause in the three-way conversation he was fielding, just took a deep enough drag to visibly shorten the cigarette and exhaled the smoke around his next sentence.
It was just as well these particular card-keys were audio only; for all the cues he missed it also meant that his conversational companions couldn't tell that he'd just stolen one of Aodh's cigarettes. The keys were visually plain, for what they were, linked to rings all three wore and titles no one really needed to speak.
The cigarette was half smoked, the ash being tapped neatly into an empty coffee mug, when he finally managed to get the conversation to the point they could say goodbye. With promises to call if the floor dropped out from beneath anyone's feet. Again.
Sean took another very deep drag as the cards dropped onto the desk, the web of power linking them to him snipped, held it as long as he could, then turned to his nephew, who’d moved to be perched on the back of an armchair with another of the cigarettes and blowing shapes from his own exhaled smoke.
Sean made a face. "These aren't spiked, are they."
"Nope," Aodh replied cheerfully, blue dragon's whiskers trailing from the corners of his mouth.
" . . Foxspit."
His nephew burst out laughing, nearly falling off his perch and dropping his own cigarette from his lip to the stone tiled floor beside the chair.
Sean scowled at it, mentally blessing the fact that it hadn't hit the woven rug in front of the chair, and waited for his nephew to stop cackling like a hyena.
The cigarette eventually rose, flying from floor to fingers like there were invisible strings attached, and he followed it, watching as his nephew relit the gone-out coal with a flick of his thumbnail.
As Aodh replaced it in his mouth, "Would your majesty like a drink?"
"My majesty would really like my subjects to behave like adults, but will settle for a drink. . . Please."
"De rien."