[TGWTG Kink Meme] If you were gay, that'd be okay~

Sep 01, 2023 16:37

ThatGuyWithTheGlasses.Com / blisteredthumbs.net / AVGN Anonymous Kink Meme PRIME

ANONYMOUSLY post a pairing and a kink. This meme is open to ALL pairings and ALL kinks. Yaoi, yuri, het; fluffy kinks, gory, gross, ones involving mannequins and water balloons and hair clips - hell, even vanilla if you wish it. I don't care. Just post away, anons!

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!public, !tgwtg kink meme

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anonymous March 16 2011, 22:47:37 UTC
Linkara walks in on Harvey and Insano ... in bed. No instant threesome, no Linkara blushing and running away, no Insano mind-wiping him. I want the anger and shame and betrayal and outrage and/or whatever else you deem lovely.


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