[TGWTG Kink Meme] If you were gay, that'd be okay~

Sep 01, 2023 16:37

ThatGuyWithTheGlasses.Com / blisteredthumbs.net / AVGN Anonymous Kink Meme PRIME

ANONYMOUSLY post a pairing and a kink. This meme is open to ALL pairings and ALL kinks. Yaoi, yuri, het; fluffy kinks, gory, gross, ones involving mannequins and water balloons and hair clips - hell, even vanilla if you wish it. I don't care. Just post away, anons!

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!public, !tgwtg kink meme

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anonymous October 13 2010, 14:38:39 UTC
We've had that fantastic painslut Spoony fic, and now I think it's time he gets another treat. sub!Spoony playing with sub!Critic, fucking and hurting each other and loving it, at the orders of and while being watched by their owners, Linkara and Ask That Guy. We've also had a great Critic conditioned by Phelous fic and while I'd prefer ATG I wouldn't say no to Master Phelous either :D.


anonymous October 15 2010, 11:16:54 UTC
Huh, that's weird. I'm reading this prompt, but the only thing I see is "Would you like a piece of candy? =D"

SECONDED. Yes please I would like a piece of candy please


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