Who: Chrome kuromu_sama and Belphegor purinzuzarippa When: 31st March, evening Where: In Belphegor's room Rating: PG-13 Summary: Chrome wakes up in Belphegor's bed and he invites her for dinner~!
Bel grosned as his sleep was disturbed, feeling something, or someone in his arms moving slightly. His eyes shot open, realising that it was Chrome in his arms, which means that what ever happen before wasn't a dream. He rubbed his eyes, yawning softly before he was fully awake. He noticed that Chrome was staring at him, did she forgotten what happen? He chuckles softly as he felt a peck on his cheeks, looking down at Chrome, he smiled sweetly at her. "Buon giorno, Princiessa~ (good morning, Princess)"
Chrome chuckled, "Buon giorno, Belphegor-san.." Then she put her hands on his shoulders and asked, slightly worried, "Did you slep well? I hope I didn't disturb your sleep much..." She looked down and was slightly flustered. She didn't want to be the reason Belphegor wasn't having enough rest.
Bel merely smile, patting Chrome softly on her head. "Don't worry about me Princess~! I slept very well, especially with you by my side~!" He teased her playfully, noticing that she's slightly flustered.
[ooc: thank you~! Tohru-mun had replied to my post. I'm still waiting for her answer, seeing whether does Tohru wants to meet with Chrome.]
Chrome looked up at smiled, "Really? I slept really well too, Belphegor san.." Chrome moved herself so she could lie against Belphegor. "It's such a nice day today..." Then she quickly pulled herself up and looked at Belphegor, before finally asking, "H-How'd you see through with your long fringe..?" Then, she brought her hands to his hair and played with it.
((ooc: :D! Ah, okay then! :D Do tell me when she replies, and the post you posted, is it in a log or..?))
Comments 121
[ooc:I'm back~~!!]
((OOC: Welcome back!))
[ooc: thank you~! Tohru-mun had replied to my post. I'm still waiting for her answer, seeing whether does Tohru wants to meet with Chrome.]
((ooc: :D! Ah, okay then! :D Do tell me when she replies, and the post you posted, is it in a log or..?))
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