Predictor of the Future - Chapter 8

Dec 07, 2012 14:25

Title: Predictor of the Future
Writer: Tacuma
Pairing: Perfect Pair
Chapter: 8
Genre: AU, romance, friendship, angst
Word count: 956 words
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis
Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |

Chapter 8
'Nii-chan, I'm bored! What are you doing?' whined Fuji.

'I'm reading,' answered Tezuka simply.

'I can see that, but what are you reading?'

'Law books.'

'That is the most boring thing ever,' sighed Fuji. He read a few lines over Tezuka's shoulder to see what it was about. 'Why are you reading law books?'

'I will have to become the King's advisor one day. I have to know the law, so I can help him in the best way possible. I cannot advise him to do things that are against the law.'

'Booooooring!' said Fuji. 'You still have plenty of time for that! Play with me!'

'Why don't you play with Kikumaru or Saeki,' sighed Tezuka.

'I can't, they're making their homework,' sighed Fuji as he sat down next to his friend. He took Yuuta on his lap and stroked his fur. The cat purred. He loved the attention of the little boy.

'And you have already finished your homework?' Tezuka asked, still not looking up from his book.

'Of course, I wouldn't be here if I didn't. It's easy. I don't understand why they take so long.'

'Because you can cheat and they can't.'

Fuji thought about that for a few minutes. Tezuka used the silence to read a little more in his book. He turned the page and wanted to start at the next chapter when the Seer spoke again.

'Is it cheating too if you are in bed with somebody else's wife?' he asked.

Tezuka's cheeks became red. He tried to hide with his book, not sure what to answer. He was eleven years old and he already knew a thing or two. He had asked his father about things after he had read about them in one of his law books. It seemed there were a lot of laws about it.

'Yes,' he answered shortly.

'But I don't understand!' sighed Fuji again. 'Why is sleeping in the same bed cheating? I've slept in your bed and in Eiji's bed and in Saeki's bed too. Was I cheating too then?'

'You don't have a wife,' said Tezuka.

'So if you have a wife and someone else sleeps in bed with her or you sleep in the same bed as someone else it's cheating?'

Tezuka put his book down. 'No, just sleeping is fine. You can sleep in the same bed as your friends. You just can't do anything else with each other.'

Fuji opened his eyes. 'But what else do you do in bed than sleeping. It doesn't make sense.'

'I don't know exactly either,' answered Tezuka. 'My father called it 'making love' and only a husband and a wife are allowed to do that. It's against the law to do it with somebody else once you're married.'

'So before you're married it's allowed, but after you're married it's cheating?' asked Fuji.

'Yes,' answered Tezuka. 'That's all I know.'

'I see,' muttered Fuji. He thought about it for a little. Then he noticed Tezuka had closed his book. 'Shall we play now?'

Tezuka sighed and he put his book away. 'Alright. Do you want to learn how to play 'Go'?'

'Is that the game you always play with your father?' asked Fuji. When Tezuka nodded Fuji smiled brightly. 'I'd love to!'

They went to get the game from the boy's room and sat down somewhere quiet, so Tezuka could explain the rules. Fuji understood quickly and he soon was playing against Tezuka.

'You're cheating,' said Tezuka. He knew Fuji was cheating, nobody could be that good at the game when he played for the first time. Fuji was a genius in many ways, but this was impossible.

'But nii-chan, how can I cheat when I'm not married yet? You're a bad loser!'

Fuji was joking, but he did play fair after that. It was a difficult game, but it became more interested once he stopped searching in the future what Tezuka's next step would be. Trying to predict what Tezuka would do without reading the future was a lot harder. Tezuka didn't show any expression, so Fuji wasn't sure what he was thinking. It was always easy to find out what Eiji or Saeki were thinking about, even without his ability.

'Ne, I think 'making love' is done naked,' said Fuji suddenly as he made a move in the game.

At that moment Tezuka's expression was very easy to read. His eyes widened and his cheeks became bright red once again. He looked down at the game and made a move as well. He wasn't concentrating on the game anymore and Fuji could score a point, a smile on his face when he did so.

'Have you seen it?' asked Tezuka. He didn't really want to know, but somehow he felt like he had to know. He was the older one, he should know more than Fuji!

'Yes, I could see the wife of the Earl and that servant were naked and they were making weird sounds. It was really strange. I don't understand what they were doing, they didn't seem to like it. It sounded like it hurt. I'm never going to do something like that when I've grown up.'

'Me neither,' answered Tezuka as he scored a point back. 'Why would you do something that hurts?'

'Mou, nii-chan, you're too good at this game!' Fuji tried to figure out what to do next to win the game, but it seemed impossible. 'I would never sleep in the same bed as a girl. Girls are annoying.'
Tezuka agreed with him and with that they made a promise they would never do something stupid like the wife of the Earl and the stupid servant who was killed, because he hurt her.

predictor of the future, shounen ai, prince of tennis, tezufuji, tezuka, fuji, fic

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