Predictor of the Future - Chapter 28

May 19, 2013 15:10

Title: Predictor of the Future
Writer: Tacuma811
Pairing: Perfect Pair
Chapter: 28
Genre: AU, romance, friendship, angst
Word count: 1916 words
Rating: NC-17!
Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis
WARNING: This chapter contains sexual content.

This is the final chapter. After this it's all over! :(
Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 Read more... )

predictor of the future, shounen ai, prince of tennis, tezufuji, tezuka, fuji, fic

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Comments 11

sanjyuichi July 13 2013, 15:13:37 UTC
I know this is a really late reply but thanks so much for writing this. I had fun reading it eg I really like the idea of a clairvoyant Fuji, the setting etc. The fandom isn't very active anymore but they're still my number 1 OTP even after so many years, so it's nice seeing someone still writing about them. :)


ext_2369012 January 11 2014, 16:35:31 UTC
thank you for writing this fic. I hope you will continue writing about Tezuka and Fuji. I love this pair so much!


tacuma811 January 11 2014, 18:28:43 UTC
Thank you for reading! I'm glad you liked it. I wrote a lot of TezuFuji fics, but now I sort of moved on to a different fandom


fairiesgonenuts January 18 2014, 09:51:59 UTC
heyy, you've finished! ^^

sorry i wasn't around in the community last year, but it never stops me from thinking and loving my #1 OTP even though i have new other fandoms, too (honestly, i think i never will). anyway, glad to see you successfully managed to scratch another title off your to do list. congrats for a job well done! hope we'll still see each other in LJ or or AO3. ^^


tacuma811 January 18 2014, 10:45:37 UTC
Thank you! I sort of switched fandoms too, so I doubt I'll write much more for this pairing. I just don't have inspiration anymore >_


fairiesgonenuts January 18 2014, 10:59:50 UTC
i know, i can see clearly from your icon. *wink*
i myself haven't ventured much further into that other fandom, though i ship loki and all my friends are like head over heels with the pairing in your icon. maybe not enough juicy stuff i see yet, LOL!


tacuma811 January 18 2014, 11:22:56 UTC
Haha, yeah, I have a lot of new icons XD
I loved comic books, so I started reading Marvel things too. It has even more love than the movies XD I love Loki too, but I don't really ship him, I do, with Thor, but not a big fan


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