Title: Reunited Pairing/characters: Takki/Tsubasa Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 1,256 Disclaimer: Total fiction. Summary: Takki returns from South America, Tsubasa welcomes him home.
Title: Course Of action Paring: Takizawa/Tsubasa Rating: NC17 Wordcount: 5470 Summary: When a law passes allowing Japanese gay couples to get married overseas, Tsubasa sees no reason to not get married again. In Spain.
Title: Family Calls Fandom: Tackey & Tsubasa Pairing/characters: Takki/Tsubasa, Yamapi Rating: PG Word Count: 2,264 Disclaimer: Total fiction. Summary: Yamapi accompanies Takki on a completely innocuous working vacation to Singapore.
Title: Limitless Hope Pairing/characters: Takki/Tsubasa Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 6,554 Disclaimer: Total fiction. Summary: Hideaki can’t get the the door closed behind them fast enough.
Title: Perk Pairing/characters: Takki/Tsubasa Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 1,421 Disclaimer: Total fiction. Summary: The perks to an exhausting line of work. Note: Set in the universe where T&T are hosts. AKA the Dame~X PV. Dedication: For luin-lote for being incredibly generous and sweet and generally wonderful. :} ♥
Title: Before You Know Pairing/characters: Takki/Tsubasa Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 520 Disclaimer: Total fiction. Summary: What a world for something like this.
Pairing: Tackey/Non-JE (Rachel Hurd Wood) Rating: NC-17 for interracial sexual intercourse Summary: Tackey and Tsubasa states that their favorite Disney princess is Ariel, but Tackey loves her more...