Jul 02, 2007 11:48
Title: Sparing The Conversations
Fandom: Christy
At the monthly quilting gatherings Christy felt unwanted and welcomed at the same time. She was a friend to a few of these women, giving them advice, sharing stories of Asheville, serving as a model for the wonderment of life without these mountains. Christy also had a connection to them through their children whom she taught, many of her stories involved them.
Though she smiled, asked questions about their histories the feeling she didn't belong because she was an outsider won't fade. How could she understand only eating watered down cabbage soap for three months, when she grew up in home where seconds and thirds were common place? When the ladies nattered about folk remedies, myths and superstitious, how could Christy add anything, espicially when felt it all to be so wrong? Perhaps that was why at the end she would read aloud from the bible sparing the conversations.
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