Title: Bloody And Horrible
Fandom: Christy
Word Count: 200
For: The
multi_ficathon "Help! Help me!" Christy jolts awake, heart pounding, shaking despite the summer night. It takes her a few minutes to convince herself it was only a dream. The past few nights she hadn't been sleeping well, there was always a monster or some sort of emergency awaiting. Each time attacking someone new, in a different fashion, bloody and horrible.
Christy grimaces as she creaks the floorboard standing to put on her robe, praying the other accompaniments slept through the sound. Slowly, carefully she makes her way downstairs.
"Did I wake you?" Her head flies up, heart pounding again at the voice. Neil, cup of coffee next to him. She just shakes her head. "Good, why are you up so early?"
"Couldn't sleep, so I figured I might do something protective. What are you doing here?"
"I was over at the O'Teele place, Swanie was convinced her zodiac symbol was appearing in her food and started freaking out." Christy rolls her eyes, before she can stop herself she yawns.
"Excuse me."
"You look pretty tired, perhaps you should go back to sleep?" Again she smiles, pulling a chair out, too afraid to return to the screams and fear.
"Any coffee left?"