if anyone has news of tabe mikako after the earthquake in japan, they will be highly appreciated! i have tried searching for news of her, but have found none so far.
anggayasha has mentioned that a new tabesha post is found on her site, though i'm not sure if that means that she is all right. additional information is most welcome though so do share :)
貌似是官方推特的消息,大家可以放心了~~剧组人员都没事就好了……~~ (
from google translate
【デ ン コ カ ワ related】 very grateful to the crew concerned about the safety of performers and staff of you. We have all safe and sound back from Chiba. Please rest assured. Di Jiuji of you are waiting for the audience to run the future of the running program has not been set, once laid down a will promptly inform, please wait a moment
thank you
anggayasha ! i'm glad that tabe-chan is safe :)