Hey, ho, let's go! Hey, ho, let's go!! (Plus Snowflake Challenge Day One)

Jan 01, 2019 15:32

Merry new year, my dear friends!
Thought i'd pop in.... I'm doing the Fandom Snowflake Challenge again this year, so you'll be seeing me post daily, I hope. :D

I've also been posting older Buffy fic over on my Scarecrow_Horses AO3 account. I'm trying to figure out if i can make that account a 'pseud' without losing all my comments and such, but I dunno....

ANYway - i'm happy to be getting those old fics up there, since quite a few are only in a now-closed community or on a website that has zero activity and moderation anymore. I don't want to lose them!

Our Xmas was low-key and on the slim side (money sucks), but we still had a great time. My little brother came down Xmas eve and we watched movies and ate too much chocolate (his fault), and then Xmas day, the ex-SO came over made a huge pot of chilli while we all hung out and talked. My mom and sis called, and basically it was just *nice*. Got a cedar tree from the woods and it made the house smell so good and it was a lot like old times, when I was a kid.

The cats got catnip mice, and Diana has spent most of her time knocking them under the closet door and then moaning around all pitiful, waiting for me to come 'rescue' them. That, or carrying them up onto my desk and dropping them perilously close to my water glass.

New Years...well, *this* household was pretty much asleep before midnight, heh. Anyway - here's to a new year, a new day, a new month, a new start to everything! I hope 2019 is full of joy and happiness for you all!

"... talk about your Happy Place-the things that give you joy, calms you or keeps you sane."

My 'happy place' would be right here, at my desk, with my computer. Because 'in' my computer? Are all the worlds and places and people and things that bring me joy. Words, and ideas, and characters, and stories, stories, stories!

And the thing that keeps me sane - and makes me the happiest of all - is my dearest, bestest friend in all the world, Snow.
*hugs her*

She keeps me on an even keel and makes me feel good when everything else is stressing me the fuck out.

(And, also - my boys. My pretty, pretty boys that i sigh over and smile over and read and write and think about...yay!)

Originally entered at https://tabaqui.dreamwidth.org/202448.html - comment where you please!

fandom, personal

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