White sage smudge sticks

Jun 17, 2008 15:42

I've recently learned how to make these and was thinking about doing some since my sage bush is out of control and needs a good cutting. If any of you are interested, they take about a week to dry after being made. I will be making them during the new moon on the third. If you want one let me know. I am not sure how many I will have when I am done ( Read more... )

religion, garden

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Comments 8

toasterstrumpet June 17 2008, 20:40:15 UTC
Me! Me!


ta_laitha June 17 2008, 23:39:14 UTC
Sure thing.


tori_vixen June 17 2008, 20:46:57 UTC
put me down for one!


ta_laitha June 17 2008, 23:38:58 UTC


moofoot June 17 2008, 23:42:06 UTC
If you've got enough, I'd love one.


ta_laitha June 17 2008, 23:43:48 UTC
I have three.. I might have enough if not you can be on the second batch. :)


moofoot June 17 2008, 23:52:49 UTC
Sounds good. :D I'm fine with either this batch or the next.


ta_laitha June 17 2008, 23:54:29 UTC
Cool. I will know once I get my pile of leaves.


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