Actually, when it comes to Atlantis I always think "What's with all the dead Brits?? You trying to tell us something?!" First Gaul, then Grodin, now Carson *sighs* I've not seen the episode yet, but I know what happens *sighs*
Yeah, now that you mention it, they do kill off a lot of Brits. But then, they kill off a lot of people in general.
On the other hand, all the Germans I've spotted so far in Atlantis were security guys... and one science gal. Mostly the huge, silent security hulks in the background wear a German flag, and they're mostly the ones that get shot first, so...
Let's face it, only Americans and Canadians are fit to survive in deep space. No need to build up an inferiority issue about it ;).
You know, personally, I won't miss Carson, who mostly just annoyed the hell out of me, but I thought the ep did a really good job of showing Carson's likeable sides, so I was a little sad at his death anyway.
Even though he died by the mosr ridiculous plot device in the history of stupid. I mean, exploding tumors? EXPLODING TUMORS? I've been torn between WTF and laughing my ass off about that for almost a week now, and it's still funny. Occasionally, the SGA writers are just so, so lame.
The "Carson is Rodney's best friend" thing really did come out of nowhere, runs against pretty much the entire canon, and was clearly just put in for additional angst. That part really annoyed me.
I wonder who's going to play Atlantis' doctor now, though. I mean, they need someone, since they're always getting hurt.
(BTW, I caught SG1's 1969 on TV by accident yesterday, and it really is an awesome ep. Teal'C in that pink shirt! Bwee.)
Yeah, Teal'c wearing pink is a sight that will cheer me up any day ;).
Yep, Carson was mostly annoying throughout season 2 + 3, I liked him in season 1, though. Which is the season where he and Rodney are kinda close, too, so that best friend thing didn't come entirely out of nowhere. However, if they knew what they were gonna do with Carson's character, they could have shown us a little more of that friendship in season 3, too.
Hey, if SG-1 can go on a quest for the Holy Grail (I have to type that again, it's just so mind-blowing - SG-1 goes on the quest for the Holy Grail), and fight dragons and meet Merlin, I guess then Atlantis can have a couple of small, inconspicuous exploding tumors, can't they? I mean, people come back from the dead, scientesses blow up suns, overdressed catfish have a taste for humans, and tumors explode. It's just the world of Stargate
( ... )
I have never watched a single episode of ER in my life, so I have no idea what you're talking about. Is Kem a man, though? Because then it would at least be a slashy kind of mystery. *g*
The funniest thing about the exploding tumors was the way every single ep review I read could basically be summarized as "Carson's death = sad, Ronon and John = gay, exploding tumors = OMGWTFBBQ???". *G*
Quest for the holy grail? Quest for the holy grail? QUEST FOR THE HOLY GRAIL? O.O Seriously, what are these people smoking
( ... )
Nope, Kem is very female. ER isn't that big on gay guys and slash, but they do have a thing for lesbians. One main character is a lesbian. But no slash, sorry.
Yep, Ronon and John = very gay. Not that that's a bad thing, they can kill off Ronon and ship John and McKay (please don't hit me for saying that ;) ).
Yep, quest for the holy grail. They even have a reference to the Monty Python movie in there. I *love* it. And believe it or not, even though since the season 7 finale, SG-1 plots are as whacked out as they come, it's still so much fun. I even found a Het pairing that I like. An on screen Het pairing - Daniel/Vala. They're priceless together
( ... )
Oh, and something else I was meaning to ask you - now that you've probably read enough to have an opinion, who are your favorite SGA writers? Also, would you like some more recs?
Oh hm... I like rageprufrock, esp. the Hindsight series, and what's-her-name... cesperanza, especially "Things to do in Denver when you're dead", which is I think the sweetest McShep story I've read so far. I've read some of trinityofone's fics, but couldn't really warm up to them. And there was another author... stillane. She's great. Hm... I find it hard to keep track, with the fandom scattered all across LJ like it is. I'm sure I read other authors that I liked, but I can't think of them right now. I read most of astolat's stories as well, but I can't say that she's my favorite. She's good, don't get me wrong, but she has this very specific fast-telling summary style to her writing that just doesn't do it for me. I like the more elaborate fics better ;).
If you got more recs, bring 'em on :). I think I'm gonna check out some SG-1 fanfiction as well. Jack/Daniel stuff :). After the exam, though...
Hm. I might have recced this already, I'm not sure... John's kept prisoner by aliens, and Rodney is the only one who's allowed to visit him, but only once a month, and John is getting more and more desperate while the Lanteans try to figure out a way to get him out. Visiting Hours
flambeau's The Machinery of Heaven. I remember that I loved it when I read it, but I can't remember why right now. I should reread it, I guess. All I remember is the chicken. *g*
Thicker than Water by julad - written before Mrs Miller aired, so this Jeannie is not the canon Jeannie, but it's an awesome alternate story of how Rodney could have found his sister again. I'm pretty sure I alread recced her "The secret life of scientists", which is Zelenka/Rodney.
ost in Waiting, in which laceymcbain somehow manages to write a believeable story in which John is still a virgin. No, really.
Of Polar Bears by 30toseoul. John and Rodney have a moment of telepathy-by-Ancient-device, John finds out that Rodney has a thing for him, and Rodney draws all the wrong conclusions.
Yep, you recced Visiting Hours, and I've read Intersections and the 20,000 leagues thing, too (I think rusty_armour recced them). I don't think I read any of the rest, I'll have to check 'em out :). Thanks!
Deathfic, eh ;)? Hm. Who dies? I've already read one SGA deathfic (more by accident, but still, I did), so it wouldn't be the first one. But if it's supposed to be that good, then chances are that it's really really really sad. Having written deathfic myself, I can't very well chicken out, though, can I.
Speaking of deathfic, I found the saddest Jack/Daniel vid yesterday. It's set after the episode in which Daniel dies and ascends for the first time (the season 5 one, "Meridian"). It's really angsty, almost too much so, but if you're in the right mood (which I was yesterday), it might make you cry... it's vidded by tli.
Comments 24
On the other hand, all the Germans I've spotted so far in Atlantis were security guys... and one science gal. Mostly the huge, silent security hulks in the background wear a German flag, and they're mostly the ones that get shot first, so...
Let's face it, only Americans and Canadians are fit to survive in deep space. No need to build up an inferiority issue about it ;).
Even though he died by the mosr ridiculous plot device in the history of stupid. I mean, exploding tumors? EXPLODING TUMORS? I've been torn between WTF and laughing my ass off about that for almost a week now, and it's still funny. Occasionally, the SGA writers are just so, so lame.
The "Carson is Rodney's best friend" thing really did come out of nowhere, runs against pretty much the entire canon, and was clearly just put in for additional angst. That part really annoyed me.
I wonder who's going to play Atlantis' doctor now, though. I mean, they need someone, since they're always getting hurt.
(BTW, I caught SG1's 1969 on TV by accident yesterday, and it really is an awesome ep. Teal'C in that pink shirt! Bwee.)
Yep, Carson was mostly annoying throughout season 2 + 3, I liked him in season 1, though. Which is the season where he and Rodney are kinda close, too, so that best friend thing didn't come entirely out of nowhere. However, if they knew what they were gonna do with Carson's character, they could have shown us a little more of that friendship in season 3, too.
Hey, if SG-1 can go on a quest for the Holy Grail (I have to type that again, it's just so mind-blowing - SG-1 goes on the quest for the Holy Grail), and fight dragons and meet Merlin, I guess then Atlantis can have a couple of small, inconspicuous exploding tumors, can't they? I mean, people come back from the dead, scientesses blow up suns, overdressed catfish have a taste for humans, and tumors explode. It's just the world of Stargate ( ... )
The funniest thing about the exploding tumors was the way every single ep review I read could basically be summarized as "Carson's death = sad, Ronon and John = gay, exploding tumors = OMGWTFBBQ???". *G*
Quest for the holy grail? Quest for the holy grail? QUEST FOR THE HOLY GRAIL? O.O Seriously, what are these people smoking ( ... )
Yep, Ronon and John = very gay. Not that that's a bad thing, they can kill off Ronon and ship John and McKay (please don't hit me for saying that ;) ).
Yep, quest for the holy grail. They even have a reference to the Monty Python movie in there. I *love* it. And believe it or not, even though since the season 7 finale, SG-1 plots are as whacked out as they come, it's still so much fun. I even found a Het pairing that I like. An on screen Het pairing - Daniel/Vala. They're priceless together ( ... )
If you got more recs, bring 'em on :). I think I'm gonna check out some SG-1 fanfiction as well. Jack/Daniel stuff :). After the exam, though...
flambeau's The Machinery of Heaven. I remember that I loved it when I read it, but I can't remember why right now. I should reread it, I guess. All I remember is the chicken. *g*
Thicker than Water by julad - written before Mrs Miller aired, so this Jeannie is not the canon Jeannie, but it's an awesome alternate story of how Rodney could have found his sister again. I'm pretty sure I alread recced her "The secret life of scientists", which is Zelenka/Rodney.
ost in Waiting, in which laceymcbain somehow manages to write a believeable story in which John is still a virgin. No, really.
Of Polar Bears by 30toseoul. John and Rodney have a moment of telepathy-by-Ancient-device, John finds out that Rodney has a thing for him, and Rodney draws all the wrong conclusions.
Instantaneous by cimorene111. ( ... )
Deathfic, eh ;)? Hm. Who dies? I've already read one SGA deathfic (more by accident, but still, I did), so it wouldn't be the first one. But if it's supposed to be that good, then chances are that it's really really really sad. Having written deathfic myself, I can't very well chicken out, though, can I.
Speaking of deathfic, I found the saddest Jack/Daniel vid yesterday. It's set after the episode in which Daniel dies and ascends for the first time (the season 5 one, "Meridian"). It's really angsty, almost too much so, but if you're in the right mood (which I was yesterday), it might make you cry... it's vidded by tli.
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