A little help

Nov 05, 2004 20:32

Does anyone know where this picture might be from? I ask because I'm pretty sure the person stole it, but I need proof. He is only eleven years old, has posted stolen artwork before and says he needed one week to finish this sketch (which he says is not a sketch).
Anyone seen it before?


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Comments 3

_ri November 5 2004, 12:10:24 UTC
I didn't see any of his (her?) previous stuff, but looking at that I have the feeling it might've been traced/abgezeichnet... or maybe it is and she stole it anyways.


t0ra_chan November 5 2004, 12:23:19 UTC
He appeared in the "Geklaute Fanarts melden"-Thread, whining how this is really his picture even though his others were stolen. No word on this being copied, just whining that he took a week to draw it and how it's not a sketch. Yeah, right.


_ri November 6 2004, 10:13:15 UTC
Lol, no wonder you're suspicious.


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