(no subject)

Oct 31, 2009 01:30

Title: Even Though We Have Never Met and I Just Know
Fandom: original poems
Characters or Pairing: none
Rating: General
Word Count: about 230
Summary: Love poems
I wrote the first before we met in person and the second afterwards
Why it's a costume: I never post what I write to LJ.
I hardly post any of the original things I write any where because I'm so self critical.
I mostly either BETA or co-write.
These poems were written by me and have only been post on one forum despite me have an LJ and 2 dusty blogs.
So here they are. Do I look pretty?

Even Though We Have Never Met

You make me smile
even though we have never met
You make me laugh
even though we have never met
You make me feel special
even though we have never met
I can't wait to "see" you everyday
even though we have never met
You make me want to travel thousand of miles
even though we have never met
I yearn for your touch, your kiss and to see your smile
even though we have never met.
I miss you and my heart aches for you
even though we have never met
I am falling in love with you
even though we have never met
No the truth is I am in love with you
even though we have never met

We met at between me writing these two poems and we want to get married. Yup we are crazy! I met his mom already and he is coming in January to meet my parents and we plan to live together this summer.
I just know

I just know I love you!
I will love you till the end of time
I don’t know if we can live together as man and wife or not
But I only know one true way to find out and that is to do it
I just know I love you!
Not try but do. I promise to give it all my heart.
To not just try but give it a 110%
I just know I love you!
I choose you  because I chose you
You are wonderful and worth the effort.
I just know I love you!
I want to be there when you need someone to talk with
I want to live love laugh and just be with you.
I want you to be the one I laugh and play with and
I want to be able cry in your arms at night
I just know I love you!
I want to share our lives together the good and the bad.
I want to be there for you.
I just know I love you!

love, poems

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