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NEXT is hated and enslaved by humans and some are lucky enough to espace the system. Cue one of our heroes coming upon someone at an auction stand and ________.
It doesn't have to be Keith & Paolin. Can be platonic or romance. Parings preferred are Tiger/Bunny! (Or if you can make Yuri/Kotetsu work I'd give you my firstborn and cookies!!)
In Tiger/Bunny or Yuri/Kotetsu, who do you prefer being the Master/Rescuer? Is it the same person you prefer on top?
Author anon has done an amazing job and I'll go ahead and read it now!!
“Closed? How can it be closed?”
The guard shrugged, totally unconcerned. “I put up a sign. People don’t go by. That’s how it can be closed.”
“No one likes a smartass,” Kotetsu muttered. He shoved his hands in his pockets, thinking quickly. Kaede’s classes wouldn’t be out for another hour, but the streets were far too crowded to drive through the main highway at rush hour. He’d planned to park his car and walk through the thoroughfare, but…
“Why don’t you just go through Market Street?”
Don’t wince. Don’t grimace. Don’t frown. You make it obvious, even to a guard on the street, and you and Kaede might as well be dead.
Kotetsu forced a grin. “Right, right! I forgot that went the same place. Thanks!”
“You’d better hurry, though. It’s going to be busy today.”
“Yeah? Why’s that?”
“They caught a Class-H.”
Do. Nothing. For Kaede’s sake.Kotetsu parked his car in an overnight lot. He could afford the fee, and he’d pick it up in the morning on his way to work. Market Street was a faster way to the ( ... )
I should do something. I should buy him. Ivan could get him out of the city, probably. Maybe. I owe it to his father to try.Kotetsu’s phone buzzed against his leg. Kaede’s picture blinked up at him, two fingers held out in front of her, a huge grin on her face ( ... )
The man underneath him went paler than usual and retched, but didn’t complain. When Kotetsu looked up, there was a thin trail of blood dripping from the man’s hand, which he’d clenched so tightly his fingernails cut into his palm.
Take his mind off the pain. Tell him the story, so he’ll trust you. Kotetsu kept his voice carefully neutral as he talked. “I met your father when I was ten. I’d always kept quiet about my powers, but you know how they can be. They exploded sometimes. My mother got hurt, once or twice, but she didn’t tell anyone. I was outside once when it happened, and some part-time slavers noticed me. They followed me until I was alone and stopped glowing, then slapped me with the Arestium. They must have been scared that I still had powers, because they beat me nearly unconscious ( ... )
Damn you, horror movie rules!
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