
Fic - Kids

Oct 16, 2007 22:16

I was cleaning out my harddrive when I found this. It's a series of five interconnected drabbles. So I tidied it up and here they are. (All excatly 100 words. Yay! me)

EDIT: ryuuri_chan drew some pictures for this story, and they are lovely. Thank you! and she says she's doing some more!

Title: Kids
Author: szm
Rating: G

Summary: The team encouter a 'purple glowy thing' (told in five drabbles)

Ianto pinched the bridge of his nose. He hadn’t expected to find… this. “Tosh, explain again please”

“O.k.”, said Tosh, looking impossibly tiny, sucking a lollypop. Who had given her that? “The device admitted a transmogrification wave” Tosh stood up straight looking proud. Owen, skulking behind Gwen muttered “show off” only to be viciously elbowed by Gwen. Tosh appeared to be unaware as she gazed up at Ianto. Jack chose this moment to pull his thumb out of his mouth with an audible ‘pop’.

“Basically the purple glowy thing made us all little kids, and we need a lift home”


Jack climbed into Ianto’s lap as he tried to cross-reference the ‘purple glowy thing’ with Torchwood’s archives.

“Jack!” he exclaimed. “What are you doing? I’m trying to work.”

Jack, who looked about four or five looked up at Ianto with big, round eyes. “’m tired," he said sniffing a bit for good measure.

Ianto just sighed and tried to rearrange Jack as best he could so he could carry on at the computer. Jack raised his head from Ianto’s shoulder and winked at the others.

“See?” said Owen to the girls with a scowl. “Told you he liked Jack best.”


A few hours later, the ‘kids’ were asleep on cot beds in Jacks office. Ianto heard a strange snuffling noise in the kitchen area. He crept inside carefully.

Owen was sitting on floor, next to a large puddle of milk.

“Owen?” asked Ianto carefully.

“I… dropped… it,” said Owen in-between strange hiccupping not-crying “now… you’re… gonna… shout.”

“It’s only milk; I’m not going to shout.”

“But you don’t like me,” replied Owen in a sad little voice.

“I course I like you,” replied Ianto, unsure as to whether or not he should give Owen a hug.

“But you shot me!”


Crying wasn’t the word for it, Gwen howled. Ianto was surprised that such a tiny frame could have such lung capacity.

Owen was making it worse by dancing around her shouting “baby, baby” at the top of his voice. Tosh, who was trying to comfort the other girl, narrowed her eyes at Owen.

“Ianto, Owen’s being a great big meanie!”

“Yeah Owen!” piped up Jack.

“FOR GOD’S SAKE SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!” shouted Ianto. He felt awful as four sets of tiny shock filled eyes stared up at him.

Next day he found a playgroup that would take them.


Ianto was never, ever so pleased to have a case settled. The transmogrification wave was disabled and everyone back to the correct ages. All of them in their own homes, Ianto in his own bed, after nearly a week of babysitting.

Not that his job normally didn’t include a fair bit of that. He smirked at the thought

Jack had just grinned and said ‘good work’, Owen had looked shifty, Tosh had said ‘thank you’, and Gwen apologised for being ‘a brat’.

Not that the week had been a total waste. He had a fair number of blackmail photos now…

kinda silly, ianto jones, toshiko sato, gwen cooper, torchwood, fiction, fandom, drabble, owen harper, jack harkness

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