
Ficlet - One Quiet Moment

Oct 13, 2008 20:08

Title: A Quiet Moment
Author: szm
Characters: Nine, Jack, The Tardis
Rating: G

Summary: After a long day Jack is restless

A/N: Prompt fic written for avon_09

Rose was asleep. She was amazing, but at the end of the day she was just a 20th century girl. She needed her sleep, today had been a busy day and she was practically passed out when she reached the Tardis.

Jack wasn’t sleepy. Too much adrenaline rushing though his bloodstream. Today had been a near miss. Far closer than Rose understood.

Or maybe she did, maybe she really did have that much faith in the Doctor.

Normally Jack would go find a willing partner or two and work off some of this excess energy. But somehow he didn’t really think the Doctor would make a stop just so Jack could get laid. So Jack was wandering the Tardis. Jack loved this ship, sometimes it almost seemed alive.

Not really paying attention he found himself in a courtyard garden. It wasn’t like the hydroponics gardens he’d seen on other spaceships. The sunlight here felt warm and real. It smelt of earth and growing things, not chemicals and plastic. Jack had grown up amongst the sand, wind, and stone. Places like this never failed to take his breath away.

It took him a few moments to register the Doctor sitting on the floor opposite the archway Jack had come through. He was leaning against an ivy covered wall, his head tipped back and his eyes closed. Jack took a moment to appreciate the line of his throat. The Doctor had discarded his jacket somewhere and rolled the sleeves of his jumper up. Jack didn’t want to speak. He didn’t want to break the moment.

“You should be asleep,” rumbled the Doctor his voice deep and rough.

“Can’t,” replied Jack. “Too much energy. Wanna help me burn it off, Doc?”

It was a game they played. Jack flirted and the Doctor pretended to be offended and knocked Jack back. But this time the Doctor just smirked. Without opening his eyes he patted the floor next to himself.

“Sit down Jack.”

“I’m not really good company when I’m buzzing like this Doc. I’ll just go…”

The Doctor opened one eye and rolled his head across the wall to fix Jack with a beady glare.

“Jack. Sit.”

Jack was halfway across the space before he realised he’d moved. He sat next to the Doctor and tried had not to squirm. He wasn’t very successful. The Doctor sighed.

“Gods! Jack sit still,” he complained.

Jack was left with the uncomfortable feeling of being a naughty child. “Sorry… I’ll go.” He tried to stand, to leave but the Doctor just sighed. He swung his arm across Jack’s shoulders.

“Listen,” he almost whispered into Jack’s ear. “If you listen you can hear her.”

Jack listened but all he could hear was the thump of his own heartbeat and the warm whisper of the Doctors breathing. He closed his eyes and tried to concentrate. There was the faint whine of the Tardis’ engines far away. But nothing else.

“Doc?” he started.

“Shush,” replied the Doctor.

For want of anything better to do he listened to the engines. The longer he listened the more it began to sound almost rhythmic. After a while he realised the Doctor was humming faintly along.

“Is that..?” he whispered.

The Doctor nodded and Jack felt the movement along the arm draped over his shoulders. “It’s the Tardis. She’s singing.”

Jack could almost hear the melody now. He dropped his head onto the Doctors shoulder and listened. He felt his eyelids getting heavy. He yawned and snuggled closer. Maybe he could doze. Just for a few minutes.

The last thing he heard before sleep claimed him was the Doctor and the Tardis. Singing together.

tardis, doctor who, fiction, doctor - nine, fandom, jack harkness

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