This chapter is entitled "From Frying Pan to Fire", but should really be "From Pseudo-Crisis to Other Pseudo-Crisis" considering that it's basically bookended by the fuckers.
"Secondly, so they wear dress robes and not just Muggle-style dresses at the Yule Ball now?"
I'm not sure if the GOF movie came out before this was written, but if it had, that could be to blame for the confusion. In the book, the outfits were always called dress robes, and described as looking like normal robes, only different colors. The movie just made the outfits like your usual fancy party clothes - suits for the men, dresses for the women. Most likely Neil kept the term "dress robes" to try to sound more canon, but wanted to write them in as wearing the most stripperific dresses possible.
So, then, the point is proven: The fact that Neil basically wrote in Muggle dresses(skimpy-as-shit ones at that) instead of dress robes just further illustrates this fic's fail.
And even in the case of the GOF movie, the men's dress robes definitely had some of that aesthetic to them. IIRC, the girls didn't wear dress robes, right?
I'm not sure if the GOF movie came out before this was written, but if it had, that could be to blame for the confusion. In the book, the outfits were always called dress robes, and described as looking like normal robes, only different colors. The movie just made the outfits like your usual fancy party clothes - suits for the men, dresses for the women. Most likely Neil kept the term "dress robes" to try to sound more canon, but wanted to write them in as wearing the most stripperific dresses possible.
And even in the case of the GOF movie, the men's dress robes definitely had some of that aesthetic to them. IIRC, the girls didn't wear dress robes, right?
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