I know the answer to this is likely to vary depending on the particular mode, but I think for the most part, ethics are similar unilaterally in the human services fields
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I'm not exactly sure, but I think that it would be alright for you to stay there if you had a LMFT supervisor "off-site." My school doesn't have a clinic of its own, so some of my classmates will have practicum placements without a LMFT on staff...but they are required to find one outside of their placement to do supervision with... I'm not sure though. I'd check into it...not sure where though! :o)
It's already been said that the supervisor doesn't necessarily have to be an LMFT, but does need to have experience in a supervisory role. At this point, the only person that is within the network of providers my program is a part that would be available starts in two weeks and is a 90 minute drive away. A frustrating situation to say the least, since 3 weeks ago I had two LMFTs on site that I really admired.
And, I'm a confidentiality fiend...with the population I work with, it's incredibly important. To the point that without the added layer they have with us vs. corrections, our jobs would be monumentally tougher.
Though, that does spring a thought, that since we have a consent to discuss behavior and progress with the SW, perhaps that could be extended to method and approach without having to get specific enough that confidentiality would be violated...Hmmmm
From a technical standpoint, I can answer some questions because I'm in a similar situation. I run 5 groups a week for two hours a pop. I'm in my practicum year just like you. I have NO supervisor from an MFT perspective, I have NO supervisor from a therapy (at all perspective.) I have the one guy that heads up the volunteers as a coordinator that is rarely on site when I'm doing the groups as they are at night
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Unfortunately, it looks like, according to either my school's standards or State standards, no can do on practicing without a licensed therapist (not necessarily MFT) on staff. Which bites...I had to tell one of the groups I was taking over today. I was really surprised by the long faces from some of them...but at the same time given hope!
Latest update is that we could have someone by week end, or it may be as much as four weeks before someone comes on board. This is a test of the ambiguity broadcast system...
I don't know what state you are in, but if you are doing these hours towards a California license you have to have one hour of individual supervision of two hours of group by somebody licensed (MFT, LCSW or Ph.D) for EVERY FIVE HOURS of client contact. (Post-graduate Interns have a 1 to 10 ratio) If you miss a week or two, and then it picks up again and averages out, you are okay, but you will not be able to count the hours at the end if you have not had supervision throughout. (i.e. 6 hours of supervision in one week is not good, it has to be six weeks of one hour each week
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Minnesota requires 2 hours of supervision each week, so it's not dependent on the number of clinical hours being put in. And, it's not like a sleep deficit, where you can just accumulate missed time, then find ways to make it up. That said, too, they're trying to hire someone, but the pickings are slim, given the population we work with. Either way, a decision is going to be made (by me) about my role with the program by the end of the week.
Comments 6
And, I'm a confidentiality fiend...with the population I work with, it's incredibly important. To the point that without the added layer they have with us vs. corrections, our jobs would be monumentally tougher.
Though, that does spring a thought, that since we have a consent to discuss behavior and progress with the SW, perhaps that could be extended to method and approach without having to get specific enough that confidentiality would be violated...Hmmmm
Latest update is that we could have someone by week end, or it may be as much as four weeks before someone comes on board. This is a test of the ambiguity broadcast system...
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