Drabble: And Then Comes... (Silk Stalkings, gen)

Nov 21, 2008 17:11

Title: And Then Comes...
Fandom: Silk Stalkings, Rita Lee Lance (gen)
Spoliers for: The Last Kiss Goodnight
varietypack100 083. And (250 Words)

'First comes love; then comes marriage; then comes baby with the baby carriage'.The cute little children's rhyme doesn't say anything about what happens when your husband is shot and killed before your baby ever gets ( Read more... )

prompts: varietypack100, drabble, character: rita lee lance (silk), tv: silk stalkings, pairing: chris/rita (ss), gen

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Comments 5

anna_sg1 November 21 2008, 23:52:03 UTC
*wipes tear*


Dude... where did you... how... I mean... SILK STALKINGS?! I freakin' loved this show!

Is there more of this?


vegawriters November 22 2008, 02:47:42 UTC
There are more of us out there than we will ever know .... ;-)


anna_sg1 November 23 2008, 22:35:30 UTC
For some crazy reason... this makes me very happy. *g*


vegawriters November 23 2008, 23:09:39 UTC
It should. :D


vegawriters November 22 2008, 02:47:10 UTC

Gah. Rita. Now Chris feels all guilty for dying.


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