Ficlet: An Etching of Scars (Heroes, Claire Bennet, PG-13)

Oct 01, 2008 11:06

Title: An Etching of Scars
Fandom: Heroes (Claire Bennet)
Rating: PG-13 (Warnings for self-harming.)
Prompt: (write for) 10 minutes / heroes fandom / ink, varietypack100 : 075. Shade (410 words ( Read more... )

prompts: varietypack100, character: claire bennet (heroes), fic, tv: heroes, gen

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Comments 3

igrayne October 1 2008, 23:21:35 UTC
Oh wow! That was amazing, I love it how you've captured what would be a natural reaction to such a thing on paper. I adore the last line, it's so deep.

I hope that you write more about Claire :)


syrenslure October 2 2008, 20:44:30 UTC
Thanks, I am glad you liked it. nice to meet you.


kathrynthegr8 October 5 2008, 22:49:11 UTC
Very nice. Dark and prosey. I really liked it.


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