Fic:What's Still Unwritten, You Can Erase (SGA, McShep, PG-13)

Sep 21, 2008 18:21

A belated posting of my mcshep_match story from July.

Title: What's Still Unwritten, You Can Erase
Team: Home
Prompt: Clean Slate
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: (Spoilers for The Last Man)
Summary: John Shepherd's made a lot of wrong decisions that have helped put him on the right path. Now, he has a chance to make the right ones.

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slash, pairing: mckay/sheppard (sga), ficathon entry, tv: atlantis, fic

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Comments 2

lit_gal September 22 2008, 00:12:47 UTC
Hon, when I clicked an egg to help you hatch, my security program came up with a pop up that said your site has been associated with confirmed cases of spyware and/or viruses. You may want to check your system.


syrenslure September 22 2008, 05:52:12 UTC
Huh. I think I had heard a rumor to that effect, but i am pretty vigilant. I run a virus scan every few days, and I haven't downloaded anything from the site (intentionally or otherwise) thanks for the heads up, though, and thanks for playing ;)

Stupid lj isn't sending me notifications, though, so I caught this only through serendipity... *kicks the stupid lj site*


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