Fic: Rough Flavours (HP, Harry/Charlie, NC-17)

May 01, 2008 21:58

Title: Rough Flavours
Author: syrenslure
Fandom: Harry Potter (Harry Potter /Charlie Weasley)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Harry loves Charlie, and knows Charlie loves him, but he wants more. PWP.
Warnings: Slash. Mild Kink, Biting.
Disclaimers: Harry Potter is the property of J.K. Rowling and her publishers. The artist/author of this work receives no profit from ( Read more... )

slash, pairing: harry/charlie (hp), prompts: 30_forbidden, fandom: harry potter, fic, prompts: 100quills

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Comments 6

piratesmile331 May 2 2008, 05:14:02 UTC
OOOHHH, very hot and sexy! I'm glad that Charlie was amenable to Harry's mood and his biting kink; sounds like things are going to be a little less tame in their bedroom from now on...


syrenslure May 2 2008, 06:53:10 UTC
Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it - and I am sure that these two will be up to LOTS of new things from now on.


softly_sweetly May 2 2008, 20:44:37 UTC
Oh darlin... have I mentioned that I really, really, really love your pr0n? Like, omgsqueelove it?

This was brilliant, so fucking hot, and you worked the biting in perfectly. I lvoe Harry as self-assured and confident, working to get what he wants, and this was perfect!

Thank you, ♥


syrenslure May 2 2008, 20:51:07 UTC
{{{{hugs}}}} I'm so glad that it worked for you. It's been a great year knowing you and counting you among my friends. I wish you a happy year, filled with good times and lots of good pr0n.

///this didn't come to my mailbox - stupid lj ///


hpuckle May 2 2008, 22:27:51 UTC
This is very hot. I love caring!Charlie here though, but I also love that he finally gave in to his rougher side! :P



entrenous88 May 30 2008, 13:18:21 UTC
I was just looking for Harry/Charlie fic, and was lucky to stumble onto your story. Loved this glimpse into their relationship -- very hot!


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