So...I was all set to write random-ass Mokuba/Rebecca fluff for ♥ Day, but wouldn't you know it...the universe ran away with me again. And so I present this. Which is more about Mokuba (though Rebecca is there).
Also, some inside (well they're not really) jokes....maybe some shared visions? XD.
R (for mention of drugs & smex). Abuse of parentheticals (like that's something new ^^;;) & italics. Not mine.
When Mokuba’s ten, he learns what it means to be truly and utterly alone for the first time. Because before he always had Nii-sama, and now Nii-sama’s gone.
(And of course the doctors would contradict him and tell him that no his brother is right there and that he’s getting treatment because he’s a very sick boy, and Mokuba sort of half-nods and lets them think he’s too young to understand their diagnosis of catatonia brought on by early-onset schizophrenia.)
But Yugi promised. Yugi promised Nii-sama would come back, so he waits and he hopes and he pretends that body in the wheelchair means something to him.
(And it’s not early-onset schizophrenia. It’s something much, much worse. Because at least with schizophrenia something could be done about it.)
For his fifteenth birthday, Asami takes him to Sion. Nii-sama is, of course, extremely unhappy about this state of affairs, but Mokuba plays the guilt card and Nii-sama, busy with the twins, (adorable mischievous scamps that they are, and Mokuba feels bad using them as an excuse) lets him go.
He’s never been inside Sion’s doors before. In fact, he’s never really been with Asami for any real length of time before, and although he knows the many reasons why, it’s still a shock to see Asami casually trade cash and coke for political favours.
There are drinks (and is that Yugi? and What on earth is he doing with that starlet’s chest?) and way too many handguns and Asami’s (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) photographer friend glowers at Asami and says he’s corrupting today’s youth. And Asami smirks with that smirk that Mokuba logically knows that Nii-sama copied from Asami, but since he sees Nii-sama a lot more regularly than Asami, it seems like it’s the other way round.
The evening culminates in Asami pushing a particularly statuesque woman towards him with the purred command of “show my cousin a good time,” and in one of Sion’s many vip rooms that hide a multitude of many more sins, Mokuba proceeds to (come his brains down her very ready throat) lose his virginity to her whore-red mouth.
He cuts his hair when he turns twenty. It’s not any particular rite of passage. It’s just that one day, he wakes up and looks in the mirror and wonders why the hell he bothers with it all.
It rats, and it’s hot, and it makes him look like a girl, and Sumi doesn’t seem to realize that when she clutches it in her chubby little fingers and yanks, it effin' hurts.
So he makes an appointment with Nii-sama’s barber and gets it all lopped off, and although by that time he’s having second thoughts, when he looks in the mirror again, he sees himself. With short hair. And wonders why he was even worried.
(Rebecca makes him take a picture of himself and send it to her, and he does, and she giggles and says she’s made it her new phone wallpaper, and he’s as embarrassed as he is pleased).
Nii-sama doesn’t say anything, just nods to him across the dinner table. The twins like it, calling it “cool” (their new favourite word). Sumi’s disappointed but then decides to pull on his locket instead, and Anzu tells him he looks handsome.
So, all in all, he thinks it is a good decision.
By the time he’s twenty-five, he’s seeing Rebecca more-or-less exclusively. Not that anyone knows.
Not even her.
He doesn’t tell her, of course, because that would make it all mean something, and he’s rather afraid that it won’t mean to her what it means to him. So he lets her think (hell, he lets the whole world think) that he’s seeing half-a-dozen women. At once.
(And it’s not that far-fetched, and he’s doing his bit for keeping the Kaiba dynasty - and honestly, the fact that the papers call it that just makes him roll his eyes - alive and well in the press. What with him being the only eligible Kaiba around.)
Doesn’t tell anyone (not even Nii-sama) that most of his dates are mutual-using for publicity and end immediately after dinner and that he spends the rest of the night with his cell-phone close by. Just in case Rebecca calls.
Rebecca says she loves him on his thirtieth birthday. It’s incredibly unexpected and not at all a birthday present.
He hadn’t even really been celebrating it: what with Anzu gone on her drunken breakdown, and with he and Nii-sama trying to close what might possibly be the biggest deal since they licensed Solid Vision to Industrial Illusions, birthdays had taken second-place to just making the household function.
And Rebecca had called up (and it had to be something like two in the morning there), crying her eyeballs out and calling him every name under the sun (in every and any language she could think of) because she had been set up on a blind date earlier that evening, and he had been a great guy - smart, funny, handsome, into Duel Monsters - and he was everything she should have been looking for (and she wanted to get married and have kids and no, she wasn’t pms’d, thank you much) but -
“I love you, you rat ass bastard hotshot!”
And she slams the phone, and Mokuba - gobsmacked - just has to chuckle because if anyone could ever figure out how to slam a cell-phone, it would be Rebecca.