Title: Thirty Something: The Why Files of Frank Anthony Iero Jr. (3/12)
xx_anarchy_xxRating: Hard R
Pairing: Gerard/Frank, Ray/Bob, Brendon/??, Jamia/Jared, Mikey/Alicia
Disclaimer: I own nothing but merchandice and an overactive imagination
Summary: The first kiss of the year is a good indicator of how the rest will pan out and if they're all as good as that one then I'm gonna be a really lucky guy...
Characters: My Chemical Romance/ Panic at the Disco
Author's Note: A thanks to all who are reading this so far. Your comments make me happy =]
January //
February Monday, March 1st
My head is pounding. It feels like I’m gonna throw up but I can’t. I can sure as hell retch though. I retched down the phone when I had to tell Jepha I wouldn’t be in. No prizes for saying he was less then pleased.
Fuck my lousy immune system. It’s a fucking nightmare.
Egh, it’s gonna be a long couple of weeks.
Tuesday, March 2nd
Symptoms: headache, migraine, stomach cramp, achy limbs (general shittyness).
I’m gonna be off work for so long! This is a nightmare. I’ve quarantined myself in the bedroom. Not even Gee’s allowed in, he has to sleep on the couch. I don’t want to infect them.
Wednesday, March 3rd
Symptoms: Three killer migraines, heavy limbs, throwing up, retching on nothing because I haven’t eaten since yesterday, a lot of lower stomach pain, raw esophagus (it’s getting worse).
People never pay attention to signs. Not even if they’re in big bold red letters. I know I’ve infected Gee but he isn’t showing any symptoms yet. It’s only a matter of time. He did make me feel a little better though but I’ve still banished him to the couch again. I don’t want him to get sick.
Thursday, March 4th
Symptoms: More throwing up, more retching on water and then nothing, my head feeling three sizes too big, shivering despite being too hot, coughing violently.
Gee offered to take time off work to look after me. I said it really wasn’t necessary whist throwing up in the bucket by the bed and that I could take care of myself. He refused to believe me so now I have a nurse.
It’s just a shame he doesn’t have the uniform. I need to make a note to buy him one.
For purely practical purposes obviously…
Saturday, March 6th
Symptoms: Fever, headache, tiredness, achy limbs, sore throat, raw esophagus, cough.
“Feel any better today?” Gee asked, sitting next to me and feeling my forehead. I shook my head. “I think you’ve got the flu.” I groaned.
The flu.
The bane of my life.
Next will come the ear infections and the pneumonia and the bronchitis. I really don’t need that.
“How come you’re not sick?” I croaked out and Gee made me swallow aspirin and vitamin pills.
“It takes more than the flu to take me down,” he smiled.
Lucky bastard.
Sunday, March 7th
Symptoms: Fever, headache, tiredness, cough.
I feel a little better today. My throat doesn’t hurt as much and so far I haven’t thrown up. Maybe all the pills Gee’s making me take are actually doing something. I’m still not going to venture out of the room though. I need to be completely healthy again so I don’t infect Luke. His immune system is worse than mine. He had a cold for six months! SIX! That’s a ridiculous amount of time to have a cold so the flu could kill him.
Monday, March 8th
Symptoms: Fever, headache, tiredness, cough.
“You’re an angel Gee,” I told him as he gave me more pills. He smiled and kissed my forehead.
“I’m not an angel. Angels have wings and halos and walk around in the nude playing harps.”
“Could you be an angel? You know, when it’s just us?” I asked coyly.
“Maybe,” he smirked. “If you get the harp I’ll get the wings.” The pills scratched my throat as I swallowed them. No amount was water was going to make it better.
“You feel any better?” He asked.
“A little. Should be fine by the end of the week, well, fine enough to leave this room.”
“Good. I miss you and I know that sounds stupid, but I do. I like well Frank, not almost dying Frank.”
“I like well Frank too.”
Tuesday, March 9th
Symptoms: Mild fever, headache, cough, general tiredness
I decided to make the brave venture of the room while no one was in. I forgot was fresh air was like I’d spent so long in my own recycled stuff. I started reading Geek Love again while I had some peace and was so relaxed I fell asleep on the couch.
“Daddy!” Luke squealed, giving me a massive hug.
“Don’t get too close. I’m still sick,” I mumbled, falling off the couch so I didn’t infect him. “I don’t want you to catch it.”
“Will you be better next week?” He asked.
“I should be. Why?”
“I’m in a play at school and they want me to bring along a load of people.”
So they can get some money out of us…
“Sure. I’ll be better by then.”
Wednesday, March 10th
Symptoms: Lower fever, headache, cough
I feel a lot better. When my fever goes I’ll be back in work. Maybe I can infect Jepha with my fucking cough. It’s driving me mad! Then he’ll infect his girlfriend, then maybe he’ll stay at work instead of fucking her senseless. Well it is Wednesday; maybe I can spin this out to the weekend. It would have been a nice vacation if I wasn’t ill.
Thursday, March 11th
Symptoms: Lower fever (just a bit hot really), headache, dampened cough.
I’m out of the room. Fresh air is SO good. Luke hugged me when he came home (because I fell asleep on the couch trying to read Geek Love again!).
“You feel better?” He asked.
“Much,” I replied as I hugged him back. “Gee told me you’ve been good at school.”
“Yeah. I didn’t want to make you worse by making you come in.”
“So now I’m better does that mean it’ll go back to normal?”
“I’ll try to make it not too.”
“Ah’da boy,” I smiled, ruffling his hair and trying to hold back a cough. I may be better but he’s still susceptible to a cold.
Friday, March 12th
Symptoms: Headache, dampened cough.
No more fever. HORRAY! I hate having a fever, I don’t like being hot so it’s hell to me. It means I can kiss Gee again which I am very happy about.
“Thanks,” I said to him.
“No problem. Just be prepared for when I get sick cause when it happens, it’s serious.”
“How come?”
“Dunno, last time I thought I had a cough, turned out to be quite severe bronchitis and I was in the hospital for the best part of a month on a drip. So just be prepared for that.”
“Will do!”
Saturday, March 13th
Life is back to normal. My sinuses aren’t trying to kill me, my head isn’t pounding and my cough is almost gone. Luke hasn’t gotten sick off me. All is well. All is so well we watched Dawn of the Dead cause it was on TV. Gee really doesn’t like the remake, he kept saying things like ‘How can they tamper with a classic?’ and ‘Zombies don’t run like that’ but all under his breath. It may have been a mistake letting Luke watch it but he wasn’t freaked out by the blood or the gore so at the moment there have been no bad repercussions.
“I just don’t get why someone had to re-make it? It’s a classic and should not be fooled with. It’s like messing with the Wicker Man!” He ranted.
“Actually someone already did that. It stared Nicolas Cage,” I pointed out.
“WHAT? How can you replace Edward Woodwood?”
“It’s really bad. I mean terrible bad. Biggest waste of two hours that I’ll never see again.”
Gee didn’t say anything else. He just stepped outside for a few minutes where I knew he yelled his head off, saying every blue word under the sun.
Monday, March 15th
“Look who it is,” Jepha remarked as I walked into the shop for the first time in two weeks. “I was about to start advertising for another artist.”
“You wish,” I muttered. “You know I was sick. I told you.”
“Yeah but I thought you were fucking around.”
Like you and your girlfriend in the back room?
Friday, March 19th
Luke’s school play type thing. Just too really piss off the religious people Gee wrote ‘CATHOLIC’ on his neck in sharpie and we both wore eyeliner. There are very few things on this earth that amuses me quite as much as pissing off religious people. I would happily stand outside a church on Sunday and scream at the top of my voice that there is no God, there is no Jesus and we’re all fucked anyway because of global warming just to see the reaction. Throughout Gee held my hand and rubbed my knee with his thumb, just too really rub salt into the wounds.
You’d never know we both had religious backgrounds by the way we are now. Goes to show that it can fuck people up or, in our, case set them free. The play type thing (that was more of a lecture than anything) involved everyone in Luke’s class (including Chloe and Isabella so Mikey, Alicia and Brendon where in there somewhere) tell us about the resurrection of Christ. It’s an unoriginal topic for an Easter production, they should tell us how chocolate was invented or something then I would be a little more interested. Each kid had a line or two to say. It was all going so well.
“And on the third day…” Luke started.
Please get it right. Please, please get it right.
“On the third day he rose again as a zombie and started chasing Romans around cause zombies need brains to survive and he started walking like this.” And with that we then got a full demonstration on how zombies walk. I didn’t know whether to be slightly horrified or love it.
I decided to love it. Gee certainly was. A huge grin broke out on his face.
“That is a zombie walk,” he whispered. “None of this fast running crap.”
“That was brilliant,” Gee cheered afterwards. “You nailed it!”
“I wasn’t supposed to say that though,” Luke said.
“Who cares? It’s what would have happened if Jesus actually rose from the dead. He’d be a brain hungry mad man!”
“I thought he would be.”
Out of the corner of my eye I saw his teacher glaring at me. I sighed.
“Two minutes,” I muttered before walking over to her and getting told how that’s not what would happen if Jesus rose from the dead, that it was a miracle and shouldn’t be made fun of.
Saturday, March 20th
Another weekend without Luke. I still miss him when he’s not around, but when Gee’s pinning me to the floor and tearing at my jeans with his teeth it’s hard not to have my mind on other things. He still had a faint ‘CATHOLIC’ on his neck where the sharpie hadn’t completely come off. It sort of made what we did next a big fuck you to religion and where it stands in modern times because if God really can see everything and is everywhere at all times he would not have liked some of the stuff we did.
Sunday, March 21st
Happy Easter! The day where eating copious amounts of chocolate and ending up with a stomach ache the size of Canada is the norm. I knew Gee had an idea from the moment we woke up; I could see it glinting in his eye.
“What is it?” I asked as he tried to sneak off into the kitchen.
“Nothing. I just had a different idea of what we could do with chocolate instead of eating it in egg form.” Intrigued I followed him to see a bowl of chocolate pieces sat on the counter.
“Melted chocolate sex?” I guessed. Gee grinned hopefully. I nodded and clamped my lips to his neck, making sure to leave a bruise. I felt a moan vibrate through his neck and hit my ears.
I love that sound.
I also like the sound of the microwave oven when it pings to tell us that the chocolate is good and melted.
I really love it when I’m Gee’s art, when he paints on me in chocolate I feel like he’s created me, that I’m perfect. I also love it when Gee covers my cock in chocolate and spends an age licking it all off but that’s for a more personal reason. I also like it when we end up really sticky so have to take a shower which leads to a whole new world of fun.
Easter rocks!
Monday, March 22nd
“Why can’t Ms Lee accept that if Jesus rose from the dead he’d be a zombie?” Luke asked.
“Because the whole basis for the religion was that he rose from the dead and didn’t want to eat people’s brains,” Gee explained.
“But why?”
“I’m not to sure. I only went to a catholic school for a few years, we focused more on how he was beaten and subjugated rather than what happened next.”
“Well that explains one thing,” I smirked, looking at him.
Tuesday, March 23rd
Luke’s learnt a new word. And that word is bondage. He just said it this morning. The full sentence was:
“Daddy, I like bondage.”
If he was a teenager then yeah, I wouldn’t care all that much and tell him to be careful but he’s six. Fucking six! I had to bribe him to stop saying it in school but I know he didn’t. He’s been saying it all day. Over and over and over. I have no idea where he heard it but Gee’s looking decidedly guilty so there’s a good chance it’s him.
Wednesday, March 24th
When I said you couldn’t not watch Luke otherwise he’ll do something, I didn’t just apply it to public places. I went to the bathroom and came back; he was calling people and saying ‘I like bondage’ down the phone! I had to confront Gee about it and he said he didn’t know anything.
Then I threatened not to sleep with him until he told me the truth and it all came out.
Kids pick up on everything. Even through walls they can still hear what you say. Makes me worried about what else he’s heard when we thought he was asleep.
Thursday, March 25th
A good way to keep a kid quiet when you’re about to pull your hair out: Breath holding competitions.
They worked a treat.
I did get worried when Luke turned blue but damnit the kid likes to win!
Friday, March 26th
The bondage continues. It’s now beyond embarrassing but I can’t explain to him what it means, it’ll mentally scar him for life if he found out that was one of Gee’s secret things that we sometimes indulged in. It’s a lot of fun but there’s a line of what you can explain to your kids. It’s gonna take some cunning to make him stop saying it. I just need to think of a bad thing that he wouldn’t want to say he liked.
Saturday, March 27th
Bondage problem solved. Gee is a genius. I don’t know what he did but I worked. He also won’t tell me what he did so it’s either cash bribes or the truth.
I dread to think it’s the truth.
Monday, March 30thCaught Luke under my bed and asked him what he was doing. He ran out before I got a response. The box of…things was still intact. Sometimes kids really confuse me.