For Your Entertainment

Mar 15, 2010 22:07

Title: For Your Entertainment
Rating: PG
Fandom: Degrassi TNG
Pairing: Jay/Spinner
Warning: Slash
Author's Notes: I totally made up The Lair. If you've read The Royal One Hundred, then you know where it comes from. Title stolen from Adam Lambert, but this isn't a song!fic.
Progress: 1/1 complete
Prompt: Ecstatic at nospeakingrule
Summary: Jay does his good deed for the week.

“Hey, Spinner! Guess what I just did for you and your band?” Jay walked into The Dot with a cocky smile on his face. Spinner was going to love this.

“What?” Spinner asked, wiping down the counter.

“I just got you booked to play in The Lair tonight.” Jay announced, smirk still firmly in place.

“You what? Seriously? We've been trying to get into the place forever! How did you do it?” Spinner looked amazed and ecstatic at the thought of playing one of the biggest indie clubs around. So many bands had gotten record contracts from just playing that club.

“Let's just say I know a few people in high places.” Jay said as he leaned over the counter and kissed Spinner hard, thrusting his tongue deep inside Spinner's mouth, making him moan.

“What do you say we go home and celebrate?” Jay whispered huskily into his ear.

Spinner nodded, licking his kiss swollen lips.

He definitely repaid Jay for getting him that in at The Lair that night.

pairing: jay/spinner, fandom: degrassi tng, challenge: nospeakingrule

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