Title: Five Times Evan Should Have Told Hank His Problems
Chapter: Wash This Memory Clean
Rating: G
Fandom: Royal Pains
Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Prompt: Lost
Progress: 5/5
Author's Notes: Yay! I'm done!
Summary: Evan gets into trouble with Boris and won't let Hank help him.
“About what, and is that blood on your shirt?” Boris asked, casting his eyes over Hank.
Hank glanced down then back up. “Yeah, it is. From one of your henchmen.”
“What happened?” Boris questioned, rising from his chair.
“I come back to the house to find him standing over Evan who was on the floor!” Hank's voice had risen in volume.
“Calm down. I'm sure there's been a mistake.” Boris gestured to the chair in front of his desk, taking his own seat again.
Hank sat down, cradling his right hand in his lap. He was really beginning to feel the effects of that punch. “There's no mistake.”
“Hank!” Evan burst through the door, shirt back on.
Boris arched an eyebrow at the younger Lawson. “Evan. We were just discussing you.”
Evan paled and tugged on Hank's arm. “Let's go, man.”
“Not until I get some answers. Sit down and shut up.” Hank pulled him into the chair beside him.
Evan frowned worriedly, but kept his mouth closed.
Boris watched all this calmly. “Evan, do you happen to know the name of the man you had...altercations with?”
Hank spoke before Evan had a chance to. “Altercations? How do you know what happened and that it happened more than once?”
Boris said nothing, just continued to focus his silver eyes on Evan.
Evan looked away from him. “Jerry. His name is Jerry.”
Boris nodded once. “I suspected so.”
Hank looked back and forth between them. “What is going on?”
“Hank, be assured that Jerry will never come near you or your brother again. Now, if you'll excuse me?” Boris nodded towards the door.
Evan stood up, tugging Hank to his feet. “Let's go.”
“Also, Evan. Please believe that I'm really not a villain in a James Bond film. He was only supposed to tell you to not meddle in my affairs. Violence and threats were never a part of his orders.” Boris said, faint amusement in his voice.
Evan blushed slightly and pulled Hank out the door.
“What the hell...?” Hank started walking out the door, looking lost at all the had just happened.
“I think it's all taken care of.” Evan shook his head, opening the door to their home away from home.
“Ev, let's talk for a minute.” Hank took a seat on the couch, waiting as Evan settled himself down wearily.
“About?” Evan asked.
“I don't want to you keep something like this from me ever again. Not that I'm saying it will happen again, and it better not, but just tell me what's going on with you, so I can help. I don't like having you avoid things and being secretive around me. It doesn't feel right.” Hank chided gently.
“I know. Trust me, I know. I wanted to tell you so bad, but I was afraid of what he would do to you if he found out you knew.” Evan explained.
“Are we good? No more secrets?” Hank smiled at him.
“Yeah, we're good. Nothing else to hide.” Evan smiled back.
“Now all you have to do is explain everything to Divya.” Hank said cheerfully.
“Aw man! That is so not cool!” Evan groaned leaning back into the cushions.
“Sucks to be you.” Hank snickered.
Evan glared, but soon the brothers were laughing at each other, glad to finally have everything out in the open.
There was no more dark cloud hanging over them.
As for Jerry, well, Boris kept his promise. Neither of them ever saw or heard from him again.