Title: FiveTimes That Evan Should Have Told Hank His Problems
Chapter: I Cannot Find My Way Out
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Royal Pains
Pairing: None
Warnings: Evan!whumpage
Progress: 3/5
Prompt: Hopeless
Author's Notes: Poor Evan. Hank is not going to happy.
Summary: Evan gets into trouble with Boris and won't let Hank help him.
“Hank, I do enjoy having you and your brother here. It is rare for me to have guests such as yourself. However, there have been some recent...events that have taken place that your brother should not have known about. Now, I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe that he was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, but I cannot allow this to happen again. You understand?” Boris sat down behind his desk.
“Yes, of course. I'm sorry that he was nosy and got into your business. I'll talk to him as soon as he gets back. It won't happen again.” Hank promised, standing up.
“Yes, I'm sure it won't.” Boris nodded and stood up as well.
They shook hands, Hank thanking him for letting him know, and Hank took his leave.
Boris settled back in his chair. He knew the doctor could be great, was great, but the brother wasn't something he counted on. Evan wasn't all that much of a problem, though he was annoying. Boris decided to put it out of his mind. After all, Jerry had already warned the younger man to stay out of his business and to not breathe a word of what he saw to anyone.
He had wondered what exactly Jerry had said and done, the man did have a tendency to be violent, but Boris had told him specifically just to talk to him. No threats, no violence. He had to wonder if Jerry had listened though. Hmmm....
Evan walked back into the house, half-expecting Hank to jump out at him and question him some more. Thankfully, his older brother was nowhere in sight. Which was all for the better. Evan was feeling pretty fragile right now, so if Hank were to push to hard on him, he was going to crack.
He toed his shoes off by the door and padded barefoot into the kitchen, the tiles cool under his feet. He poked around in the cabinets and the fridge, pulling out a bottle of water.
Hank walked into the kitchen and spotted his brother. “Evan! What have I told you about getting into Boris' business? Don't do it! How many times do I have to tell you?”
Evan didn't even bother to protest, he just nodded. “Yes, Henry.”
“Good. I don't want to hear about this again.” Hank walked to the front door.
Evan nodded again, taking a sip from his water bottle.
“I'm going to go talk to Jill about something, I'll be back later. I meant what I said. Don't get into trouble.” Hank disappeared through the door.
Evan smirked sarcastically. “Believe me, I won't.” The whole thing just felt pretty hopeless to him. He couldn't tell his brother, or anyone else and he was afraid that he was going to let something slip and he was going to ruin Hank's chances at becoming the best concierge doctor the Hamptons' had ever seen. He sighed and laid his aching head on the table, wishing things were easier.
Hank had been talking to Jill when Charlie swept into the room. “Hey Jill. Lawson.”
Jill looked surprised. “Charlie, what are you doing here?”
“Wanted to see if you wanted to go to lunch with me.” Charlie smirked
“Um, anyway, Jill, I'll see you later.” Hank smiled at her and nodded to Charlie who nodded back. He left out of her office to the sounds of her arguing with Charlie over whether or not she had time to go eat lunch with him.
He texted Divya to tell her Evan was fine, and no, he still didn't know what had happened.
He headed home after leaving the hospital with a scoff.
Evan was sitting in the living room when the front door opened. “You home already, Hank?”
“The doctor's not in right now, but I am.” Jerry stood in the doorway grinning manically.
Evan jumped up from the couch and backed away from him. “Woah man, I didn't say anything to anyone.”
“But that's where you're wrong. I heard what you said to your brother about the threats. You let that slip. Did you think I wouldn't find out?” He was backing Evan into a wall.
“Hey, it just slipped out. He still doesn't know what happened.” Evan gulped, back pressed against the wall, Jerry right in his face.
“See, that's your problem, not mine. We're just going to teach you another lesson since the first one didn't get through your thick skull.” He gripped the front of Evan's shirt and shoved him to the ground.
The first kick caught him in the side, on his already bruised ribs, making him gasp in pain. The second hit him in the chest, knocking him flat on his back. Just as Jerry was about to kick him for the third time, Hank's voice rang out, “Evan, where are you? Why is the front door op-” He stared in shock at scene before him.
Evan was pretty sure he had never been happier to see his brother in his entire life.