to politic or not to politic

Sep 11, 2014 20:29

This will likely only interest US Citizens ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

tripperfunster September 12 2014, 13:37:45 UTC
THis makes me wish I was American, so I could sign it.

I think part of the problem with politics, is that no one that I can vote for seems better than anyone else.

Would you like rotten apples? Or perhaps some rotten apples? No? How about some rotten apples?

We have it very good, compared to places like, say, Nigeria, but it's far from good!


synn September 12 2014, 23:03:35 UTC

Yes, I agree with you there - this has been my problem for years, picking a decent candidate. I think part of it is the way political runs have degraded over the years; not that historically campaigns haven't gotten ugly, but more and more it seems adds focus only on the negatives of the other candidate rather than the candidate they're for. On top of that, the news media sources are increasingly biased and entertainment (rather than news) focused, which I could go on a whole *separate* rant about, but ultimately make it more difficult to identify a preferred candidate.



joanwilder September 12 2014, 16:36:06 UTC
I linked to your post in my LJ; first post I've made in ages. If it's not all right with you, let me know.


synn September 12 2014, 22:51:23 UTC
no problem at all, I actually really appreciate the link since i don't have a lot of people I can reach on my own - so thanks! : )


kittylefish September 12 2014, 22:18:45 UTC
i am here by way of joan wilder's post. thank you so much for this! i've shared the petition on my facebook page and will be signal boosting your post. because you are exactly right, it doesn't matter how many of us nod along when we read that meme if none of us actually passes our views along to those who make the decisions.

p.s. actually, i won't link to your post just yet, and please confirm that it is okay for me to do so.


synn September 12 2014, 22:58:10 UTC
I have no problem at all with links - I'm more than happy with any kind method people want to use to get the petition, the gov't participation thoughts, or both out there if they agree (heck, if they don't too, it's a free country, yeah?).
Thanks very much for the spreading the word!


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