beholder fic/ Sweden

Jun 03, 2012 17:57

Have arrived in Sweden (but only been in the hotel so far) -- despite the fact that my arranged car to the ariport never showed up. Or, rather, showed up an hour late and well after I had given up waiting and was 3/4 of the way to the airport driving myself.

Anyway, hp_beholder posted reveals a bit ago and I'm terribly, horribly behind on keeping up ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

pennswoods June 3 2012, 22:07:08 UTC
Hi BB!

*waves from southern Sweden*

Hope you have a splendid time and that the weather gets a little warmer and less rainy while you're here.


synn June 4 2012, 07:33:23 UTC
*waves back* Hi! and thanks! : )


_orchid_ June 3 2012, 22:29:50 UTC
I am glad that you took matters into your own hands with the driving thing. Any idea why the car was so late?

Hope you have fun in addition to the whole need-to-work thing!


synn June 4 2012, 07:36:15 UTC
they apparently had a mis-communication -- the driver was told 12 instead of 11. If you look at it that way, he was early by several minutes, but me getting a call that he's there at 11:55 didn't exactly help me much. I had called the company at 5 after and left a message saying I hadn't heard from or seen my driver for my 11 pick-up, but didn't get a call back until after the driver actually showed up/called and I informed him of the situation.


isisanubis June 4 2012, 03:59:29 UTC
1) Glad you made it to Sweden safely, even if you had to get yourself (started) there

2) That was a beautiful story. Very quiet, but so engaging. You did an excellent job of making me feel for Percy, and lose myself in the fic.


synn June 4 2012, 07:38:14 UTC
Yes - it was a good thing I actually did have a car/was able to drive myself, or I would have been in trouble.

Thank you : ) I'm glad you enjoyed it!


terrible_tues_3 June 7 2012, 15:26:19 UTC
RE: Courtship of the Common Man
This is beautiful and poignant.


synn June 7 2012, 20:11:43 UTC
Thank you : )


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