Prequel: When Ashes Fall

Nov 16, 2010 15:33

Title: When Ashes Fall
Author: synergyfox
Pairing(s): Rachel/Quinn
Rating: R
Spoilers: None -
Warning: Character Death
Summary: It is said that the crow can bring a soul back to put the wrong things right and in doing so... an avenger is created.

"People once believed that when someone dies, a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes, something so bad happens that a terrible sadness is carried with it and the soul can't rest. Then sometimes, just sometimes, the crow can bring that soul back to put the wrong things right." Rachel smiled brilliantly as she walked hand-in-hand with Quinn.

"Oh really? And where did you hear that?" Quinn asked, humoring her lover.

"An old homeless man was talking about it when I gave him a muffin."

Quinn wrapped her arms around the smaller woman with an amused smile, "alright..."

A finger on the trigger.

That was all she could truly remember. A finger on the trigger and her beautiful fiancé struggling against a group of thugs. Fear and pain radiating off of her petite body in waves as the bullet pierced her heart.

Quinn knelt over her fiancé, holding her close to her body - clutching her tightly as she trembled.


She was a doctor - she knew her own heart wasn't beating.


They were both dead.

The only difference was that she still living in the loosest sense of the word.

A face flashed in front of her eyes and a need for vengeance consumed her body - the cawing of crows forced her to look up. On the buildings above them...


A murder of crows...

Her eyes hardened and stood, holding her fiancés lifeless body in her arms - clutching her to her chest. She walked through the streets - unnoticed by the thugs and lowlifes. Her feet carried her down an invisible path.

The old church that her wife liked to visit for its Gothic beauty... she placed her deceased lover on the stone steps and covered her with her jean jacket. Eyes moving to the silver necklace resting on her neck.

A crow.

And then pimping happened
Oh yes my pets...
Oh yes...


pairing: rachel/quinn, fandom: glee

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