Some people who oppose abortions annoy me. Every once in a while someone spouts off that abortions are against freedom of religion. What? Come again? Are women being held down and forced to have abortions and I somehow didn't hear about it?? No, I don't think so. If Catholics or any other religious person is having an abortion, then maybe that
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Comments 9
Being angry with the Roman Catholic Church and not all Roman Catholics or the Mormon Church instead of all Mormons (although it's my understanding that being Mormon is like being in the Mafia sometimes...) is a good way to put it.
Still, at least they're consistent (publicly) anti-war, anti-abortion, anti-death penatly. Not many fundamentalists can say that...
And, when did we become a country where someone's religious freedoms can step on other's rights? This ain't the Vatican, it's a (up until Dubya) Constitutional Republic. There's no theocracy here...yet.
I always say that. They are consistent and therefore predictable. They don't change their minds (mostly/publically) whenever it's convenient.
Where did this bizarre idea come from that "religious freedom" means that you have the right to enforce your beliefs on others? that you're somehow being " persecuted", if someone refuses to conform to your religion's rules? and that someone merely expressing their own religion is somehow an attack on yours?
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