Jan 06, 2009 06:50
People have been asking me lately about how Dreamwidth has been going, and the answer (thanks to a lot of things) has been: slowly!
However, today's news (stay classy, SUP, stay classy) is, in fact, a very good reason for us to kick it into high gear, which we will be doing, and we will have news as soon as we can sit down and get our launch plan finalized. This doesn't mean we'll be launching soon, but it does mean that we'll hopefully have more information about when we will be launching.
(Yeah, I know that both the mailing lists and the website is down right now -- that's not a sign that the project's been abandoned! We're moving infrastructure around.)
And to everyone who's worried about the fate of LJ -- don't. Nothing's going to happen overnight. You're safe for now. :)