I've had a couple of people in the past few weeks ask me if they know of a good place to go for beta help, and I'm so overextended right now, writing-wise, that I just can't in good conscience offer to help. There are a lot of you, though, and I know many of you are really good betas (and enjoy it!) so ... time to be a LiveJournal dating service
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Comments 15
I'll beta in Buffy and Angel, Firefly and Serenity, Veronica Mars, new Who and SJA and Torchwood, and probably others of which I can't think at the moment.
I can be contacted by a private message or through my email, which is on my profile page. Any length, characterization, spelling and *mostly* grammar - I wouldn't 100% count on myself with grammar, though.
I can beta for Stargate SG1 and Atlantis, Babylon 5, Star Wars, Star Trek (anything but Voyager), Buffy, Doctor Who, Superman movieverse, Batman and Batman Begins, Battlestar Galactica (as long as it's not focused on Starbuck).
I'm really good at grammar/spelling and plot details; not so good at theme and characterization. I'll beta for short-medium stuff; long stuff, I may be too busy for.
Also, beta_readers is a community devoted purely to finding beta readers.
a.) Email, but contact me via lj first because I like to talk to someone before giving out my email.
b.) Canon I know best: Harry Potter. Am quite familiar with (and love) most book canons, and am a closet fan of Hikari no Go, Rurouni Kenshin, Black Cat, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Spider-Man. I am very familiar with the fanon of BtVS, SG, and SGA.
c.) I am good as a secondary beta, i.e. one of two or more betas, since I tend to offer feedback on what catches my attention rather than regularly comment on a special aspect or set of aspects. Think of me as a bookworm and a writer who is also a beta-in-training.
d.) I'm willing to beta stories of any length, but I may not always have to time to provide exhaustive comments. Hence my preference to not be the sole beta for a particular writer. Not every beta is right for every writer, so definitely expect a trial period on both our parts, and a tendency towards tactful bluntness on my end.
Spelling/grammar/style in any fandom. Limited help w/ plot/structure-- better at that in others' than my own work. Stickler for consistent & believable characterization, dialogue.
Specific fandoms I've been familiar enough with to maybe catch canon/fact errors:
House M.D. (through Season 3)
Star Trek TOS, TNG, DS9
Babylon 5
Xmen, Spiderman (& related Marvel)
Some literary/historical fandoms.
Any pairings, any ratings, no particular squicks--though I'm hard on sex, violence or silliness that doesn't serve the a narrative purpose.
Contact me first by commenting the top entry in my lj w/ your contact preference and a brief (~1 sentence) description of the fic.
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