Lost Vid: Let Down

Feb 22, 2012 13:27

Song: Let Down
Artist: Eliza Lumley
Spoilers: All of it
Size: 42.81 MB, mov
Download: here
Streaming: embedded | youtube

Summary: Witness the metamorphosis.

Notes: So uh...I'm back? After an unintentional vidding hiatus that lasted more than a year A VID ACTUALLY HAPPENED!!! I watched all of Lost once it was all over so I'm late to the party as usual (though this fandom is hardly vidded at all which I still find completely bizzarrrrre) but here's my take on the story of James Ford and Juliet Burke, stripped down and as honest as I could make it.

~Dedicated to ohvienna. You better flash on me!

Password: two weeks


Transport, motorways and tramlines
Starting and then stopping
Taking off and landing
The emptiest of feelings
Disappointed people clinging on to bottles
And when it comes it's so, so disappointing

Let down and hanging around
Crushed like a bug in the ground
Let down and hanging around

Shell smashed, juices flowing
Wings twitch, legs are going
Don't get sentimental
It always ends up drivel

One day I'm going to grow wings
A chemical reaction
Hysterical and useless
Hysterical and ...

Let down and hanging around
Crushed like a bug in the ground
Let down and hanging around

Let down again
Let down again
Let down again

You know, you know where you are with
You know where you are with
Floor collapsing
Floating, bouncing back
And one day....
I am going to grow wings
A chemical reaction
Hysterical and useless
Hysterical and...

Let down and hanging around
Crushed like a bug in the ground
Let down and hanging around

Check the memories for more vids and other fun things.

fandom: lost, vids: lost, vidder: hollywoodgrrl, vids

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