Hnnn, so what has everyone been up ta? It's been kinda quiet around here lately. Nobody blowin' anything up or anything like that. Rukia, I'm still kinda upset that ya never gave me a formal answer ta whether or not ya woulda gone ta the ball with me. Hnnn, kinda rude, 'specially for a Kuchiki
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Yes, yes, and sorta.
Ain't nothing wrong with bein' shorter. Just so long as your legs are long enough ta reach the ground, ne?
Do you need to be invisible? Are you always invisible? Are you magic like ninjyas? O:
Hahah! That's right~! ♥ I'll have to think that more~! ♥ Thank you!
Isn't so much invisible as that people in the real world can't normally see us. Hnn, and there's some shinigami that're like ninjas.
Of course~
Can you make yourself visible if you wanted to~? Miwako is friends with an angel and his best friends are humans on Earth! Can they switch bodies, too~?
No, but we can get fake bodies ta use if we wanna be seen by people in the real world.
Can people see you now?
Do you mind that Miwako asks so many questions? Sasori gets irritated...~!
Yup, they can see me just fine.
Mmmm, don't mind at all Miwako~
Someone should open a cinema here~! That would be so cool! Then you could see a movie, too~!
That would be fun ta see. At the least someone should do a play or somethin', right?
I've always wanted to be in a play, but George says I am too dramatic~
Maybe ya just haven't found the right role ta play yet.
Maybe~ Maybe someday I can try! You're so smart~!
I think ya should try, I bet ya'd be great.
You seem like you'd be good at acting, too~!
We should put on a play! O:
Mmmm, ya think so? I'm not sure how good I'd be at makin' people think I'm someone I'm not? And a play would be a pretty good idea.~
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