I've been turking recently. It looks like the gold rush may be over, but I've had fun and I'll continue to check in to see if there are interesting tasks for me to do.
Yes, manual turking is tedious. I found a Firefox+Greasemonkey script that made it much easier -- thumbnails are laid out in a 3x3 grid (with the bottom right corner blank), and you type on the number pad to identify and submit your choices. With a robo-accept flag turned on, I almost always got assigned the HITs I saw, and with multiple tabs open on a high-speed connection, I was able to ctrl+pgdn, numpad, enter, ctrl+pgdn, numpad, enter... as long as the answer was obviously None Of The Others. I still gave human-level intelligence where it was called for.
Comments 3
Also, that sentence could certainly sound odd out of context.
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