Sepember S.N.A.P.E. Art Contest

Sep 06, 2005 11:00

The Society for Nonsensical Art Pad Enthusiasts (S.N.A.P.E.) proudly presents: The September Art Contest

I am surprised and very pleased to be able to host the fourth round of the elusive S.N.A.P.E. Art Contest, a tradition founded by _vocalion_! A tradition that has given us all a lot of laughter and great art. Here are the links to the previous contests:

June: Mona!Snape
July: The Beguiling of Merlin!Snape
August: Sculpture!Snape

The theme in September:


Make Snape a participant in a fairytale or a legend.

It can be any legend or fairytale. Snape as one of the seven dwarves, Snape as Cinderella - whatever you want.
This contest is for fun, artistic talent is not required!


1. As always, please use ArtPad

2. Snape must look like Snape and be easily recognizable, althought he can have as many accessories as you want. The black robe isn't strictly necessary for that.

3. The setting can be canon but doesn't have to be. He can visit the seven dwarves if you want.

4. At least one other canon character should participate or watch - and comment.

5. Please leave a link to the fairytale or legend. If you can't find it online, a short summary would be nice.

6. It should be funny!

7. The end of the contest is Sunday, October 2nd. There is no limit to the number of your entries. Bring a friend, everybody is welcome!

The Grand Prize

I'm neither an artist nor a spectacular writer, and with so many talented people, my efforts wouldn't really be a price. I'm quite good with graphics and photoshop, though. The winners get an avatar or icon of their choice, animated or not, with either some original art (with permission of the original artist) or with one of the images from the movie trailers, modified or not. The size will be 100x100 pixels, which is used on lj and on most discussion forums. And of course the winner can set the theme and host the next contest in October.

Happy painting! Enjoy the challenge!

art, fun, severus snape

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