Sins of the Father Chapter 3

Nov 11, 2007 13:07

Title: Sins of the Father
Rating: PG-13 [Violence, definite sexual overtones between Sylar and Mohinder]
Pairing: Sylar/Mohinder

Characters: Sylar, Mohinder, later on Maury,Nathan, Matt, Niki, Molly and my own version of Sylar's dad.

Spoilers: Not really anything special, season 1 of course but also the Nightmare Man stuff from S2 is there but altered as another character doing it.
Word Count: 1,100
Summary: Sylar's back in New York and he's out to visit an old friend who can help him find answers as to why he's powerless. The reunion is cut short as Sylar learns more about the mysterious Company and the truth about his father's life. There is a nightmare man and Sylar will be the only one who can stop him, no matter if they're related.
Author's Notes: I came up with this idea one day upon waking which I wish all fics were so easy. I wondered what if there was so much more to Mr. Gray than we think. So I came up with the details that would help explain how Sylar got the ability of intuitive aptitude, his relationship with his father, and gave me some fun Mohinder and Sylar scenes that may get a smut one shot once the story is done. There are flashbacks that weave into the story that typically allow Sylar to learn more about Company/father stuff. Enjoy!

Twenty Years Ago...

After what seemed like ages, the last flashbulb popped. Finally, the small group of people could move around freely again. Jacob used this opportunity to pull aside Maury Parkman. With a slight wave of his left hand, he motioned Maury over to the corner of the Deveaux rooftop. When he was sure it was just the two of them, he spoke in hushed tones.

“Maury, how have you been? How's your son doing?”

Maury Parkman smiled as he thought about his son. A young boy who was something to be proud of. Kind, helpful, and very good natured, Matt always stood up for others.

“He's fine Jacob. How about your boy...Gabriel, right?”

Some of the smile faded away from Jacob's face as he considered the boy. At seven years old, he was a bright, shy boy but unfortunately not what Jacob had expected.

Other members of the Company were lucky enough to have children that were also gifted. Having an ability was such a wonderful way of life. Something that Jacob wanted to be able to pass on to his own. Fate did not smile in this way on the Gray family. Young Gabriel never manifested in any way. True, it took some people longer to do so, but Jacob had mostly given up.

“Gabriel's good and he'll be even better soon enough. Maury, I've got something to tell you. What if there was a way to know why us. Why we're different, what's different about us. Biologically speaking, I mean. What if...

His tone grew considerably more conspiratorial as he finished.

“We didn't have to be alone anymore?”

All the response Jacob received could be read from the way the features of Maury's face slackened. He glanced quickly over both shoulders to make sure no one heard their conversation.

“You let someone else know about us? Jacob, I mean if Bob or worse, Adam found out about this... You can't let this get out.”

Jacob sighed, his eyes hardened and his jaw clenched up. He stared down the shorter man.

“This man, Dr. Anderson, has come up with the genetic markers. He knows what about all of us is unique. Using this information he has come up with a serum. It can be injected into a subject's bloodstream and has the potential to change a person's genetic code. We could create so many more people like us. We could change the world Parkman.”

A slight glint of the fanatical lit up Jacob's eyes.

“If anyone else hears you talking like this...I can't imagine how they'll respond.

Suddenly, Jacob grasped Maury's shoulder as he looked into his eyes and projected his thoughts to the telepath.

*This stays between us for the moment...the others will be made aware of it in due time*

Beads of cold sweat poured down over the clammy skin of Maury's forehead as Jacob's smooth voice filled his head. His amber eyes faded and became more translucent as he shot back his reply.

*Okay. Just between us... who were you going to test this thing on? *

Jacob glanced away as he thought about the gift he could give his painfully ordinary son.

Present Day...

At the edge of the bed, Sylar sat and stared straight ahead of him. Awash in a sea of thought, his fingertips indented the photo in his hands with each each second of added pressure. Just a couple feet away, Mohinder cautiously watched Sylar. He didn't dare ask what had consumed him so since he got back into the bedroom.

Finally, he snapped out of it and remembered why he was there in the first place. Slowly, he set the photograph on a cream-colored rumpled sheet. His body arose from the bed and he left the room without saying a single word. A couple moments later, he returned with the vials tightly clamped in hand. Randomly he pulled one of the vials out and set the others down.

Sylar had managed to track down a fresh syringe and started to fix it with the contents of the chosen vial. Mohinder felt his heartbeat travel from his chest into his throat as he considered Sylar becoming powerful again. Such consequences could be had, not only for himself but for most every other person he knew. As Sylar finished he approached Mohinder. His body slid behind the chair, he bent down and and whispered into his captive's ear.

“Once I do this...then I have some unfinished business to attend to. But after, it'll be just the two of us. I'll make sure of that, no more distractions.”

Without warning, Suresh's head was yanked hard backward by a strong hand full of tightly bunched dark curls. His line of sight shifted hard from the opposite wall to those dark cold eyes. It seemed to Mohinder they had a glint in them, he was excited no doubt to become what again what he once was. There were no words as Sylar silently examined Suresh, turning his head from side to side. His hand released those curls as he grabbed the syringe.

Mohinder was not forced to watch but it was unthinkable to turn away. It would be his blood that cured Sylar and re-birthed the monster, the guilt that twisted his stomach made it impossible not to take in every detail of the big moment. Long fingers wrapped around the syringe as Sylar carefully lined up the needle's point with one of his tense, bulging veins.

With the needle precariously held over his skin he suddenly lowered his left hand and stabbed the vein of his right arm. It tore through flesh and he gasped softly as he pushed down hard on the plunger. He waited for the tube to fully empty before he slid the sharp point back out and tossed it aside. Sylar panted a little as the syringe rolled across the wooden floor and clattered as it knocked into the desk's corner leg.

Every moment he stood there, he thought he could actually feel his blood tingling and buzzing with Mohinder's. His legs felt rubbery and weak as he awkwardly stumbled backward. His heart slowed as his body regulated every simple function.

He landed backward on the too-soft bed as his eye lids felt heavy. A few slow blinks and he drifted off, completely out. While Mohinder sat nearby bound and helpless as Sylar's body all but shut itself down in order to make it's repairs. All he could do was watch and wait for what was to come with Sylar's next waking moment.

mylar, fic: sins of the father, heroes, sylar, mohinder

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