Sins of the Father Chapter 2

Nov 11, 2007 13:02

Title: Sins of the Father
Rating: PG-13 [Violence, definite sexual overtones between Sylar and Mohinder]
Pairing: Sylar/Mohinder

Characters: Sylar, Mohinder, later on Maury,Nathan, Matt, Niki, Molly and my own version of Sylar's dad.

Spoilers: Not really anything special, season 1 of course but also the Nightmare Man stuff from S2 is there but altered as another character doing it.
Word Count: 1,723
Summary: Sylar's back in New York and he's out to visit an old friend who can help him find answers as to why he's powerless. The reunion is cut short as Sylar learns more about the mysterious Company and the truth about his father's life. There is a nightmare man and Sylar will be the only one who can stop him, no matter if they're related.
Author's Notes: I came up with this idea one day upon waking which I wish all fics were so easy. I wondered what if there was so much more to Mr. Gray than we think. So I came up with the details that would help explain how Sylar got the ability of intuitive aptitude, his relationship with his father, and gave me some fun Mohinder and Sylar scenes that may get a smut one shot once the story is done. There are flashbacks that weave into the story that typically allow Sylar to learn more about Company/father stuff. Enjoy!

Loud muffled grunts greeted Sylar while he he strolled back into the room. His eyes occupied with a stack of folders and files in his hands. Mohinder looked once again upon the man who haunted his nightmares over the passing months. It was not exactly the same man from before though. He was paler, thinner and more unkempt than the last time the two were face-to-face. He spoke without ever looking over at Mohinder.

“A word of advice Mohinder, don't hide your gun in the same place twice. Especially after someone has already seen where that is. From the last time you tried to use it on them.”

The venom contained in within those last words stung Mohinder. He struggled against the chair as he kept trying to speak. Sylar circled Mohinder slowly as he continued to read through the files.

“So, Mohinder, I see that you've been quite busy we since we've last spoken.”

He smirked and with a soft dark chuckle he threw the folders down on the bed. Files and papers rustled as they spread out and scattered across the rumpled sheets. Mohinder stared with wide dry eyes as the papers were exposed. He had been stealing and copying files from the Company almost ever since he started working there. Sylar learned much about the Company, apparently the organization responsible for both of his recent stints in captivity.

But that information didn't pique his interest nearly as much as the files on something called the Shanti virus. Back when he and Chandra were working together, Sylar learned that his daughter Shanti died when she was very young. As he read about the virus it became adamantly clear to Sylar what they did to him in Mexico. His symptoms matched those of of a test subject called Patient Y. A complete loss of abilities, physical deterioration, and bouts of sickness.

It was something to do with destruction of nucleotides in the blood. But this Patient Y only lasted four days with full onset of symptoms. At first it chilled Sylar to the very bone to read this. But when he set out to talk to Mohinder as he read he discovered something very intriguing. It seemed as if fate once again played a part between the pair of them.

“I came so far because I had a feeling that you would be able to give me some answers. Heh, I had no idea how right I was.”

He moved over to Mohinder and loosened the tightly wrapped scrap of fabric from his mouth. His head throbbed as the pressure released from that part of his body. A series of hoarse, dry coughs shook his body. The sounds echoed throughout the room. A couple quick breaths in and out as he licked his cracked, sore lips.

“Could I get some water?”

He choked out these words as he continued to cough slightly. Sylar's eyebrows raised in concern and he walked over and put his hand on Mohinder's shoulder. His other arm reached up to rub his bruised and cut face.

“Hmm, that sounds like a plan.”

Slowly, he dragged an open palm against Mohinder's shirt then tape then shirt again. A pattern that could be repeated on many parts of the man's bound body. He left down the hallway as he made his way to the small hall bathroom. There was a glass next to the sink and Sylar returned to the bedroom, with it full.

He got water all over his hands form filling the glass under a rushing faucet. When he got in front of Mohinder he flicked his hand out. Drops of tap water flew and splattered onto Mohinder's skin. He flinched out of surprise a the gesture then watched Sylar greedily gulp from the glass. He set it down on the small desk next to him.

“Mmm, that was a good idea. It really hit the spot.” He smiled as water dripped off Mohinder's chin. He glared up at Sylar, his eyes showed a small portion of the fear he felt being helpless in this man's clutches. Sylar moved to the bed across from the chair. He sat down and gazed at the files next to him as he continued on.

“I came such a long way to see you Mohinder. Something told me that you had the answers I needed. Apparently, she worked for them”

Mohinder was greatly annoyed at Sylar's vague statements.

“What are you talking about?! Who worked for them?”

Sylar was lost in thought until Mohinder spoke. His eyes met those of Suresh as he stayed clam while he explained his fate post-Kirby.

“This...virus...the one Shanti died from. I think that I have it. I haven't...I mean, my abilities are all gone.”

A look of complete contempt washed over Mohinder's face.

“How dare you say her name...”

Sylar stood up and placed his arm on Mohinder's shoulder. He pressed down hard as he lowered his face to be level with that of Mohinder.

“From all the long chats I've had with Chandra about her...I think I knew your sister better than you ever will. I mean when I said he shared things with me, we connected. This almost makes us like brothers.”

Mohinder felt the harsh truth in these words. His father was more open with the man who would bring about his demise than he was with his own son.

“It seems though that these people, this Company, really value you Mohinder. Or, at least the antibodies in your blood.”

Sylar's fingers grazed and then grasped at Mohinder's bound arm. Through his rough fingertips he could sense Mohinder's heartbeat, his pulse. It made him yearn for the enhanced hearing ability and it's function to gage every emotional shift in a person. Sylar wished he could hear each fluctuation inside Mohinder, the switch from anger to fear. Mohinder scoffed at Sylar as he glared into those eyes.

“What makes you think that I would ever agree to help you? To allow you to kill again?”

Sylar couldn't help but to chuckle at that last remark. Killing had certainly not been an issue from the moment he woke up in that dilapidated shack with Michelle. Should he let Mohinder know that?

“This is twice now that I've come to you for help. Twice that your response has been disappointing.'s no matter.”

“Did it ever occur to you that this might be the karma that you're so fond of speaking of?”

Sylar merely smirked as he remained silent. He turned away and left the room for a few moments. In that time, Mohinder struggled with his bonds but they did not even give in the slightest. Sylar re-entered the room with a small canvas bag in his hand. Mohinder's eyes raised at the sight of it.

On the desk, Sylar lay out the contents of what amounted to Molly's home treatment kit. The most important portion of which was a fresh syringe. His fingers curled around the cylindrical tube and picked it up as he approached Mohinder.

“Now then, I wonder how many tries it'll take before I hit a vein?”

For the next few minutes or so Mohinder's arm was amateurishly prodded and stabbed at. It didn't even seem as if Sylar was trying to hit a vein as the tip tore through skin then slid back out again and again. Tiny red marks all over his flesh the sting at first merely bothersome. But, as it went on it became utter agony as Mohinder struggled in his bonds and cried out in pain as he tried to squirm away from Sylar. Finally, Mohinder broke.

“Enough! Please...there are vials in the back room, a small fridge in the corner. It's all ready, just take them!”

Sylar had paused with the needle's sharp point mere millimeters away from Mohinder's flesh. He slowly pulled it back and set it down on the table. He turned and moved eagerly down the hall. A small black fridge was in the corner of the room. A smile creased his lips as he all but lunged for the handle.

There were three small vials sitting in a plastic holder on the second rack. Sylar snatched them and turned to leave. Halfway across the room he realized he left the fridge's door open. Annoyed, he turned and returned to the corner of the room and kicked the door closed. He couldn't wait for his telekinesis to return so that he wouldn't have to be bothered by such random events.

When Sylar started back for the door, something caught his eye. It was a photograph covered in various notations. Sylar placed the vials gently down as he picked up the picture. It was a group of people on a rooftop.

Red pen notes on some of the people. Slowly, he scanned the faces. There was a heading that read: The Company's 12. This wouldn't have meant anything to Sylar if he wouldn't have noticed the man in the lower right hand corner. When Mohinder was out, Sylar ransacked all of Mohinder's files.

He did a great deal of reading on the Company. The people who got in his way and made him powerless. He read Mohinder's journal on what he learned about these people. That they all had abilities. But this man who flashed a dashing smile at the camera...there was no way. He turned and went back to Mohinder in the next room.

“Where did you get this picture?!”

Mohinder narrowed his soft brown eyes at Sylar. He noticed how quickly Sylar took each breath, the shaking in his hands, and the increased paleness of his skin.


Mohinder raised an eyebrow as he answered.

“A man named Nathan Petrelli. His parents were both members of that group.”

Normally, the name Petrelli would have caused Sylar to fly into a rage what with the history he and Peter had. But it barely registered as he stared at the man. His hair was darker, his face cleanly-shaved, and he looked more vibrant than Sylar had ever remembered seeing him. That journal claimed that the twelve all had abilities. Gabriel always thought that his father was just an average watchmaker. But, there was so much more than that to Jacob Gray's life.

mylar, fic: sins of the father, heroes, sylar, mohinder

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