A New-Found Hunger 1/2

Nov 02, 2008 21:11

Title: A New-Found Hunger
Rating: R for slashy and incesty overtones, violence, blood, vampirism
Word Count: 1,594
Paring: Angela/Sylar and Nathan/Sylar if you squint. But it's all about the Mylar in part two.
Summary: S3 AU, Sylar never got Claire's ability. But he still has his brand-new family...and becoming a true Petrelli means many things...
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine, they don't belong to me because really...I would just do these horrible things to them on the show.

Cold concrete. The IV drip painfully placed inside of his nostril. Sylar recognized every facet of his current condition as he had lived it all before now. With the exception of living it fully-clothed and not in Primatech standard-issue pajamas. He groggily lolled his head from side to side, clouded eyes tried to clear up and provide him a better understanding. Same cell that his younger brother had inhabited not minutes ago-he didn’t appreciate the irony. However, he did appreciate that now he couldn’t hurt anyone. As reluctant as Sylar had been to initially admit it, this was the only way. He was a monster-an animal and as such needed to be caged. Maybe one day he would be ready to be outside again but now he was safe.

Quietly, he lay there, thinking of nothing and everything. Of every victim’s face, every life he must have ruined, the families of his victims, and the day he found out that even his own biological mother didn’t want him. However, Angela Petrelli was still there for him ---she would likely visit him in his cell sooner or later. So he closed his eyes and faded out again, the medication pumped through his veins and made it difficult to stay awake for long periods of time.

Soft footsteps were never heard, Angela moved through the halls with a certain grace to her every step as if she were floating. The heavy cell door was unlocked and opened, as she gazed down at her prone child. Strapped down and drugged. How terribly undignified of her youngest son to do this to her favorite. She sat down on the concrete slab Gabriel was affixed to and looked at him, her dark brown eyes filled with pity and with hope. He was finally ready to become a true member of the Petrelli family.
“Gabriel…wake up.”

When that voice entered his mind, something sparked in Sylar and he woke with a start. Eyes wide open and his body tugged against the restraints.


A few panting breaths and he calmed himself some again. Especially when his eyes locked on hers. Twin deep brown eyes that gave him a small sense of acceptance-they were never judgmental. She smiled, crimson lipstick parting to give way to small pearly teeth. Her pale hand reached down and caressed the strap on her boy’s wrist. Making sure that it was sufficiently tight.

“Yes dear…Gabriel, I think that it’s time you were given a little more…information on what it means to be a Petrelli. The sacrifices-the rewards.

Her fingernail dragged along the inside of his arm, feeling the slowed pulse underneath his skin. Once more she reached up and ripped the tube from his nose, tossing it aside. Sylar gasped hoarsely in the cold room, his eyes slowly looking over to the woman.

“Wha--…what are you talking about?”

Angela all but ignored her son’s confusion as went on.

“It was very noble of you to try and help Peter. I’m pleased to see what having a family has meant to you Gabriel. And I want to reward you for your loyalty.”

She grinned lovingly as her hand grazed over his chest, his stomach, and back down to his wrist again helping to pin him down as she moved and straddled his body. Or rather, sat on top of his lap with her legs closed and held to the side as she was wearing a skirt that day. Sylar stared at her, his heart immediately started to speed up without the constant flow of the sedative.

“R-reward…I don’t understand, what are you doing mom…”

In the blink of an eye her free hand was over his mouth, covering it. Her palm smelled of lotion and aloe vera and Sylar muttered against it. Angela leaned down and grazed her ruby-red lips over to her son’s earlobe.

“Shhh…You’ll understand soon Gabriel I promise.

Her calm whispers did nothing to soothe Gabriel as he attempted to struggle beneath her, but suddenly her grip on his bound wrist was vice-tight. Those lips trailed down from his earlobe and over his neck, pulse pounding within as the fear pumped a massive amount of adrenaline throughout his body. It was like an ice cube was being dragged over his flesh after a hot shower. Sylar was amazed that steam didn’t rise from his flesh as she moved and softly kissed his neck.

“Mmm you are so very special Gabriel…and with my guidance, affection, and discipline-you’ll be even more so.”

It must have been quite the sound to hear the man who had thoughtlessly, brutally murdered so many whimper and scream when a sharp piercing sensation tore through the warm flesh of his neck. He squirmed under her grip and his eyes wildly shifted side to side as his mother’s lips latched onto his neck and…was she sucking? Before Sylar could even form a coherent thought on what he was sure must have been some sort of fever dream-his body acted.

All that adrenaline in his system pushed the sedative and once more he could access his ability. The straps on his wrists and legs released themselves and he flicked Angela across the cell. She smacked into the back-wall and for the moment was out cold on the floor. Sylar didn’t question his opportunity, he just took it as he scrambled to his feet. Stumbling some from the wound on his neck as it bled out but he managed to make it to the door before a strong pale hand suddenly gripped his neck and held him in place.

“Hello brother…going somewhere?”

Nathan shoved Sylar against the wall, holding his neck still and trying not to lose his own senses at the gorgeous crimson substance flowing over his fingers from the man’s wound. The force of impact to his head made Sylar see stars for a moment, bright white sparks of pain that seared his mind. None of this made any sense, Nathan did not have enhanced strength for one thing. He groaned and weakly moved his hand to his neck. It didn’t take a moment before Nathan’s own hand batted Sylar’s away from the wound.

Grabbing him by his jacket collar and roughly carrying him over to the slab again, slamming him down hard on it. Sylar cried out in pain from the renewed trauma to his head. And shock when Nathan started to tear open his jacket and he leaned down licking up some of the blood that started to dry on Sylar’s skin. Once again, the foreign sensation of a sharp puncture was felt then quickly the protrusions were out of the wound again. He blinked and stared at Angela, up on her feet again and this time…it became more clear, impossible as the truth was.

Her eyes shone with an impossible glittering blackness. The woman’s skin never looked paler-it was almost as if her veins were visible , that her skin was translucent. Sylar’s own blood had dribbled down her chin and splotched her cream colored blouse. She was the one who pushed her eldest son off of Sylar’s neck. A warning glare in her eyes as she spoke.

“You can have a taste but…I’m the one who will turn him Nathan, understood?”

Nathan too had Sylar’s blood on his lips and chin, his eyes flashed a preternatural blue as he grunted a reply. Before Sylar could let any of this sink in, Nathan had his…his fangs back onto Sylar’s neck. The man slurped and drank his young brother’s blood, leaving Sylar to writhe and moan helplessly in Nathan’s clutches. Everything faded…his heart slowed and Sylar wondered if this was finally it. If death was the only way he could be free of the hunger that plagued what could be his last years. Before he passed out and let the still of his final release take him over he could hear Angela’s voice and feel the fangs being ripped from his body.

“That’s enough dear…the boy needs his mother now.”

Flashes of Angela on his neck, her finger stroking over his chest. Nathan keeping him pinned down as his body thrashed and bucked until the fight left him completely. He was out entirely when Angela leaned back again, taking a sharply-manicured finger to her own wrist and making an incision. Her skin pressed to Sylar’s twisted gaping mouth. Her free hand sifted through the dark, damp strands of Gabriel’s hair as she urged him to drink from her leaking wrist. The nearly-dead man did, leaning forward and latching his lips onto her body, sucking his own blood back out of her. Blood that had been changed, as he would be. When he opened his eyes again, he winced and recoiled. Everything had been heightened. It was all so bright and intense, every sound felt like it did the day after he took Dale Smither’s now-lost ability. No one was holding him anymore, Angela stood in the corner of the room with her arms crossed. Her curious gaze came with a soft smirk on her once-again clean lips.

“How are you feeling son?”

He sat up with a start, glancing around the small cell. His insides ached and his gums were sore. When he reached up and felt inside of his mouth he gasped at the sharp canines that had formed from his teeth. But most of all he felt something-a craving within him. Slowly he looked up at his mother, his sire and he told her…

“I feel hungry.”

vampires, petrelli, fic, angela, sylar, fic: a new-found hunger

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